The question is for schizophrenics who “hear voices” or people with experience of working with them.
What do the voices say?
I read once that the voices tend to insult, deride.ridicule and humiliate the victim, is that right?
Is there any possibility that these are voices of demons? I mean that’s just the sort of things the little bastards would say isn’t it?
Also, I think other voices pretend to be angels or “spirit guardians”, is that right too?
And I believe others are bossy and tell the victim to do nasty things.
My own take on people who hear voices is that they simply have an extra sense (gift?) that enables them to hear the voices, nothing wrong with that unless the hearer starts taking the voices seriously and/or doing what they tell them to do.
It seems to me Mick you want someone to say yes to the possibilty of them being demons…and yet you (A christian ) claim that these voices are only Prentending to be angels…HMMMMMMM in your head demons exist and angels dont?
I just watched a History Channel special on Psychic Children.
These children often hear voices at young ages and even report seeing what they describe as eithier spirits, or souls, or sometimes even angels.
Of course in many cases children like this are diagnosed with schizophrenia, and are given medication to make these voices or ‘imaginary friends’ go away.
This is not to say that a good majority of people who see or hear people aren’t victims of mental illness.
But it should be taken into account that psychic ability is not a farce and there are many children who experience it, and it is possible to differentiate the ‘metally perturbed’ children from the ‘metally gifted’ ones.
Meaning that before children (or adults) are diagnosed as schizophrenic, there should be other evaluations done that evaluate whether or not they have psychic abilities.
Yes, Jesus said there are more than one kind of demon, the whole subject needs researching.
But instead, society just slaps the “mad” label on people.
I don’t, I regard them as being gifted and able to hear things the rest of us don’t…
I currently work with people that are diagnosed but some are not medicated. What I see is people that respond to voices. This is usually accompanied with strange beliefs such as soap is bad for u. Once they are medicated the voices subside and their behavior becomes more normal. I don’t believe in the demon theory because the medication would not work.
society once believed homosexuality was a mental disorder
just another way to sell drugs(but i do know that drugs sometimes help in extreme cases)
Right at this moment
the voice I am hearing saying, “I ought to post a reply saying, I think you have cheated me from my thread, you bastard.”
Voices heard by schizophrenics are from a shattered psyche, not from angels or devils. The parts of oneself speak as disperate entities because they have been severed from the whole that maintains some harmony of diversity in normal minds. Neuroscience tends to find that this shattering of identity into warring factions reflects disturbances in the normal harmonies of brain chemistry and reflects the mind/matter interdependence.
Ok voices and two threads. There have been freaky times that a voice of someone I love that has passed on, came in loud and clear like they were standing beside me. It has only ever happened in times of extreme stress and pain or a vivid dream. what they have said is personal. Beneficial but personal. Now did I force them to do this, no. they are dead, there is something freaky and unnerving about hearing accurate dead voices. One does not do this voluntarily or even wish it to happen or even will it to happen especially since I was not even thinking about that person. There is a clear voice that I don’t recognize yet.
Am i ill? only in the normal human sense that we all are a bit crazy.
Are they my designated guardians? I am afraid to ask, they may answer me. Do I feel comforted by these incedents? yes and no. Do I need medication, No, I am however, going to call one of those drug testing centers and volunteer to test their drugs. I draw the line at testing DNA though, mine is still in its experimental stage
No, you are not ill. I’ve heard voices in the same way as you have. It’s simply a common, unexplained phenomenon. How little we know of the outreaches of consciousness!!!
The voices in the minds of the mentally ill = demons.
It is an expression of “your” vengence to believe that Jesus would allow demons to attack or annoy one of his flock.
Judaism and Islam appeal to human nature to a much greater degree.
Demons? Wow!! We are back in the dark ages.
Don’t worry Ierrellus, no matter what Harbinger says, Home Depot carries a spray for his demons over in the garden section. Or is that Wal-Mart?
thanks, Kriswest,
That’s good to know. I’ve often wondered how some of the most atheisitic psychiatists have been able to expel demons, or how exercize, St. John’s Wort, or a good talk with a caring friend can accomplish exorcism! But they do. Is that a cat sleeping on your couch? My cat has demons, but a little petting makes them go way.
Yes that is a cat one of 31 and 10 dogs. We live on 10 acres in the middle of the country not in a city. One big huge happy messed up family, a pyschologist’s nightmare. We are happy at being utterly abnormal and eccentric.LOL
Most priests and preachers now days have put aside exorcism in favor of counseling or recommending a doctor. There are a few though, that risk without thought, a parishoners life, in order to be right. Gratefully they are few and far between anymore.
Sounds like my kind of place–where and how you live. I’m an old hippie trapped in the city, me and my cat, Thai (modern word for Siam). He sees birds in the maple tree outside our window and longs. I see vibrant, youthful intelligence on the net (sometimes) and pine nostalgically.
As for the entities that have voices, some have called my name. One grabbed my arm with a hand that wasn’t there. Upon reading the material about such phenomenon, I find that they are common. No big deal. No demon or angelic possessions.
Ahh Thai. I changed my avatar to show you our Siam and her sister China. Siam is the one in front. Our granddaughters. Their mother must stay in the house, she is, well she is not right when she is outside, she was born feral and the outside makes her very violent for an hour or up to two days after she eats a bird, your Thai longs for.
Their brother, Ghengis Khan passed away, but, not before he brought his feral lady love, Dove, here, to adopt us and bless us with 5 Great grandkids.
Old Hippie? you are probably somewhere near my husband’s age or mine, 50 and 40 and that is not old, heck the 60s and 70s are not really that old any more for that matter. LOL at least from my jaded older eye.
Our senses can be attuned to things that we cannot perceive with our eyes.
Voices and touches are warnings or instructions probably, or some jester messing with us. The trick is know that you are not going insane, probably quite the opposite. Folks call it meditation , I call it release when I sit alone and quiet to listen to the world with all my senses relaxed. They say you are to empty any preconceived thoughts out of your head, Blank your mind as they say. I let mine run amok and do what it will. you can find out some pretty cool things that way.
If I try to blank my rapidly moving mind then it does the hippo thought. You know the one. If someone tells you not to think of the word hippo, you are stuck thinking about the darn crittur. so for me I feel the universe in my natural state of being, forcing it to quiet is not natural. LOL
Thanks for the cat pix and comments. Right now Thai is sleeping on my desk, taking every opportunity to be where he gets most noticed.
I’m 64 this year. Some days I feel 19; other days I feel 90. My mom used to say that, regardless of how old she got, the person inside her body never aged.
My son believes in the “shadow people” and that our reality is the “matrix”. Mom believed in parallel universes, superimposed dimensions. I see things out of the corner of my eye, in half-awake states, etc. it’s all part of being human, of having a mental searchlight that scans the darkness and the unknown, sometimes seeing only the edges of things. It’s all good unless one buys the lie that to be unconventional is to be insane.
The people I work with that respond to active voices are ok people. The voices are usually come with delusions, far out their delusions that stem from some trauma they experienced. Once medicated u can talk with them and break down the delusions the person then leads a pretty normal life. From what I can see the voices are part of their own imagination.
Our brains are wired in a complexity we have only begun to understand. And since it is biologic wiring can get screwed up or done in a way that makes someone’s mind different from others, not screwed up but different, maybe enhanced or maybe just different on a different scale. Yes there are those that truly need medication I know this. Those voices are from imagination and overpower the person because they are not voices just their conscience trying to sort life out and getting short circuited sort of.
but, there is real and certain energies that we can tune into or for some of us we are tuned into whether we want it or not. heck our bodies have enough chemicals in it to make us into mobile receivers /transceivers. We put of electrical pulses from our brains. Animals do this too. we don’t know all the forms of energies. why can’t this be possible? I think it can and is.