What Do You Believe In?


  • Judasim
  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Budhism
  • Hinduism
  • Taoism
  • Cults
  • Others
  • None
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Merely a little survey about this vast forum.

This isn’t a one liner right, pax your highness?

I like what Krishnamurti had to say. To take a quote from him, used by a respected member of this board;’ truth is a pathless land’. Holding on to dogma’s can’t be the right thing to believe in. And religions tend to be dogmatic.

To be free and explore would be the way. No restriction by religion or organisation plz. ‘Every human must find his own religion’. (<-where did I read this before?)

I like the quote, but overall I think Krishnamurti puts too much stock in his own “insight.” IMOHO he seems to think his own insights come from some higher source while everyone elses come from wrongthinking and dogma. Although as I’ve only read Truth and Actuallity I may have him wrong. That book didn’t really make me want to read anything else by him.

Taoism is a good philosophy, though I wouldn’t label it as a religion, and I’m not accusing you of labeling it as so… there is religious taoism, and philisophical taosim. The religios brance is total fucking shit, while the philosophy of the tao is completely balanced and peaceful.


Thanks for pointing out the difference in taoist philosophy and some of its’ dubious religious offspring. Saved me the trouble.


You left one option off the poll -
That would be my answer.

Then please vote the “none” option doc. Got your message though.

To an extent, I believe in philosopical Buddhism and Taoism.

No problem. :smiley: