I’m a member of another forum about motorcycles, and there they have a thread where everyone posts something about what they do for a living and whether or not they enjoy it. I think that may be a good idea here. I am in my last semester of college and work during the week as a consultant for an organization which provides ethical oversight for scientific research, and at my friend’s pizza place on the weekends. I like both my jobs. So what do you do? Or what would you like to be doing?
I would like to be a Russian spy, or a rare gem and art thief, who would work for high paying contractors.
I also want to be a vigilante, like Mad Max. I kinda look like Gibson you know.
I fear that I am only a humble carpenter. However, I could build entire cities if I were so inclined. Later on I’m going to get a liberal arts/humanities degree by using grant money to go to college. Then, after two years, I might move on to obtain another degree in “philosophy.” After that, I will become the next best thing since Rorty, and I will take over the world of academic philosophy.
I’m an astronaut on a space station all alone on a treadmill.
Grants are awesome. That’s what funds my job now. We got one from Dept of health and human services, the office of research integrity, the national institute of health and some other one (maybe IRB?) I can’t remember. The point is…grants are good. I guess deep down inside I can’t be mad at welfare recipients. They get a few hundred a month from the govt. We get like 300k at a time and pay ourselves for a while (I feel sorry for the book keeping lady), then write another proposal. It’s almost the best deal ever. I’m trying to get them to give me an expense account, then it would be the BEST job ever.
anyone who works . . . is a foolsih knave
i work at my boring little college, in a computer lab.
but I get payd well, with guaranted raises every 3 months.
I want to just work from my computer in the future so I don’t have to leave home as much and spend time with my family and doing other things that are important to me like skateboarding and playing music.
skate or die
I actually work for a defense contractor.
I sit at the computer most of the day, so it give me time to post.
I do software engineering and system analysis. Yes, it’s classified and yes I would have to kill you if I told you anymore.
How could you be a carpenter and post on here all day? Don’t you need to nail and paint stuff?
I’m a kolleg studnt.
I don’t have a job, and my ideal job is to do nothing and get paid for it; think Office Space.
How dare you speak so smugly about my profession!
“Hey detrop…nailed any two by fours together recently…[looks at buddies and laughs].”
What do you do, Mr. Defense Contractor named after a volley ball in a Tom Hanks movie who right clicks a mouse all day to run the software that does all the work?
Alright look. My final offer is this: we’ll switch jobs and see who does better at the others job.
Wilson I’m sorry for being so rude.
I’m discouraged and in an existential crisis, Wilson. That’s why I’m a job hopper and wandering wayward son, kinda like that fella in the Boston song, who will have peace when done.
I am saving money, mind you, but not to buy a yacht or even a chocolate pastry. I am frugal, which allows me my freedom. I don’t have to always have a job. I can literally quit one job and get another the next day. My area is booming with construction, so I’m not worried about unemployment.
I’ll work a little, make some cash, and chill for a while before going back. I’m not working today because I quit a job that was waaaay to far away. I’m not about to get into that traffic. Most likely I’ll find another job in the next couple days. This works out like a science everytime.
Dude I worked as a union iron worker for a bit once. You can make alot of money doing that kind of work. The first job I worked was for two days and I think I made about $450. Plus unions promote laziness,(at the meetings, really), so you don’t even work hard. If I didn’t have this deal at the university, I’d probably be doing that.
Eating classifies as a form of work.
I mean: “Work”, as in physics. Caustion of change.
In alchemy, that’d be called: “Transmutation”.
It can be done in all kinds of styles.
Mental, spiritual, material, etc.
I do allot for a living.
Mostly self-maintainance.
I breath, eat, wonder, etc.
In it’s most literal sense, I create in the free will industry.
Is this ebonics for “I loiter”, or are they lyrics from a song?
…and what do the help wanted ads look like for a job like that? Do you have to have a resume?
“Do you believe in freewill, and also want to make more than eight hundred dollars a week? If so, call now. Our comprehensive starter kit is guaranteed to help you become a rich, no-workin sonofabitch. You can even do it right from home!”
Those are good responses. Now someone else.
If only obliterating my brain cells with alcohol was a high-paying job. Then I’d be on easy street. At the moment, I’m only a college student, with no real income whatsoever. During the summer I umpire baseball games for American Legion and high school, which is actually pretty decent money given I make about $50 per average 2 and a half hour game, tax free. And that’s if I work with a partner; it’s generally double if I’m working alone. At a tournament last year, for example, I made close to $200 for about 4 hours of work. Plus, since I’m a huge baseball fan, and recreational baseball player (not softball) I find it pretty fun. Oh, and also, that’s the sort of job where you can show up hungover as hell from the last night (or still drunk) and most people won’t care, as long as you call a fair game.
Long story short, I love my job.