What do you do when you're horribly depressed all at once?

I don’t know about you, but my favorite thing to do when I’m depressed is sleep outside in a tree when it’s raining a lot. Kinda sucks because I live in Phoenix, AZ and it never rains. That and the fact that at any moment the tree could be struck by lightning and I could be swallowed up by flames and killed. But then again, when I’m depressed I don’t really care about being burned alive. lol.

Just wondering.

I go and play squash with my immensely-better-than-me-at-squash friend.

I lose. Every game. 9-nil. With the added bonus of losing half my bodyweight in sweat.

I’m then faced with the choice of laughing (in an admittedly desperate but still kinda therapeutic way) or dissolving into a bubbling wreck which never recovers.

So far - I’ve gone for option :laughing:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - when the brain is depressed - give it some time off and tell the body to go on autopilot. By the time you wake up - you’ll be back safely in happy-land.

lol. Getting depressed can actually be kinda cool, cuz afterwards I get to sleep in a tree when it’s raining. That makes one great activity… maybe after more people post I could plan an activity roster for the whole day!




lol. Getting beaten at something over and over sounds like an interesting option. Next time something really sad happens to me, I’ll try it.

2 activities now

sex does it for me.

Hello F(r)iends,

When I get depressed, I basically go out binging… below is a pic of THIRST on one of the wilder nights of partying.

Ummm… the wife wouldn’t let me in. - Thirst

I go to my band rehearsal - sometimes I call my boys and beg. Better than sex. :wink:

Well – if I can’t do anything to fix the situation that is bumming me out ==>

watch a funny movie (Jim Carrey always works)

take a hot bubble bath

go sit alone with caffein and nicotine (I’m smoking again, since late last night – I quit for two whole days, the withdrawls weren’t too bad – but… I just like it too much to stay ‘quit’.) [ oh, and by the way, don’t get addicted to caffein and nicotine – I’m not suggesting you self-medicate ]

sleep (you’ve got that one down)

watch the news (not always recommended… can make things worse)

see if there’s an interesting topic in ILP with which to distract oneself

read one of a million unfinished books on reading list

go out to coffee

turn the music up really loud and dance like mad

go for a walk and check out how the wild life is doing, see if any wild flowers are growing, marvel at the surrounding mountains

call sister, parents, or best friend and get updates from them (venting to them doesn’t help depression)

Do a Google on whatever topic one is interested in at the moment. [ last time I did that, it was on ionic, covalent, and polar-covalent bonds, hehe… somethin’ to do with pythagorus and stuff… I’m still interested but I had to put it down… ]

In short: do something (anything) to switch your thought-process away from dwelling on depressing stuff. Think about (DO) something else.

And… you can always write your thoughts down /before/ you walk away from them… so it doesn’t feel like you’re neglecting something that will blow up if you don’t deal with it.

[ edit: it does help to vent to the old man, if he’s not the reason I’m bummed out. Also, playing with my kids helps alot. ]

Usually I eat. A very bad habit which I don’t recommend. This has caused considerable weight gain since high school.

Walking round the 'hood. Playing with cat. Lots of distractions.

Although nothing better than getting together with best friend and doing something. Just about anything. Just gets me a little closer back to sanity.

suicide attempts

just kidding :laughing:
i read, drinkcoffe (my favourite thiong to do) and yes, i do use it as an excuse to eat ice cream!!!


Are you trying to upset me? Oh, I also dance and I eat chocolate. Anything chocolate.

Thirst–that’s so cute.
some–that’s a terribly long list :confused:

I go to the gym for like 4 hours at a time. Nothing makes you feel better than knowing you can kick ass.

And I compulsively clean the hell out of everything in sight.

And of course, as yo mama mentioned, chocolate…mmmmmm…

sorry mom. :frowning:
can i still have ice cream?

Not unless you’re currently standing on the brink of a v-e-r-y high building with a megaphone…

Stupid action movies with happy 'walk off into the sunset with a funny one-liner 'endings… Are good for the blues too.

No chunky monkey for you. :wink:

Hello F(r)iends,

Thanks. My wife is a cat lover. You can imagine how much she loves me in that self-portrait.
To be fair, lately, I’ve been more like this:

Sounds like my kind of woman!

You just keep getting better and better! :wink:

Ummm… maybe I married too young.

[size=75]{just kidding my beloved shrew…err wife, you know I’m a harmless but hopeless flirt}[/size]


[size=75](I’m also terribly allergic to cats :wink: ) [/size]