What do you expect? Truth? Certainty? Freedom? Clarity? Enlightenment? Awakening? Meaning? Jesting?
the ability to construct an airtight argument.
But does Aquinas mean here that the highest wisdom is in theology,
or that the reason for philosophy can only be attributed to a higher science,
or that this view of Wisdom is defended by Scripture?
Or all three?
my real name
The clarification of clarities and the mysterification of mysteries.
[size=150]Right, anymore one liners will be deleted!!! And yes, the irony of this post isn’t lost on me! [/size]
I’ve never had a post deleted before.
And my post here was significant.
And the topic is in Mundane Babble.
Maybe I just won’t post anywhere. Sometimes I feel as though I’ve been around here too long as it is…
To make friends, and maybe something more
zenofeller friend, I think we should magly give pax vitae a pass at this, my reason: pax vitae is sort of a coconstructor of this site, he’s been around since the big bang. Uniqor has wrote heaps of one liners that attracted his attention more than three times. The more he took down my posts, the more I felt for him: I felt his will to power at work, even more so most recently. I was passionately trying to argue that my one liners were more time worthy to write and read than many essays that a lot of posters enjoy producing, but now my compassion for my enemies took over: I’d like to indulge granting their little wills and see everybody happy in the end. Pax vitae, pax vobiscum… said for politics.
It’s Mundane Fucking Babble.
Zeno said he expected nothing at all from philosophy. I thought that was interesting. I gave the opposite position, stating that I was expecting everything. The groundwork for what might have been an interesting discussion was laid.
Now it’s gone.
Deleted, as though this is the Heavily Moderated Forum.
Tell Barney Fucking Fife to take his bullet out of his gun and put it back in his pocket before somebody gets hurt.
i don’t
i contribute my [valuable] writing to this site under some conditions.
one of those is that i won’t be censored, especially not for idiotic reasons, such as “not writing long enough”.
and the guy might have been around since the big fucking bang, but for the love of god, point me to a post of his with anything of value in it. (and no, i don’t belive we should make a point of assesing other people’s value, but he who lives in da glass house shouldn’t throw stones, either).
and all in all, getting a webserver costs 10 bucks a month and getting a forum code working on it takes a free download and a couple hours. it’s the community that makes or breaks a forum, and he’d be well advised to stop pissing in the community’s tea.
Well, when I first came here, I expected all of these except the latter.
Now, reverse the above sentence, an you will have my current expectations to the letter…
hehe did more posts go missing… I wonder why???
I dare you to delete ** DELETED **! that is a data-base hog if I ever saw one…and it is soooo stale!
(for old time’s sake)
The ability to impress females with logical sleights of hand…
I don’t know if this is a good time to change the subject, but:
You all probably know the place where Plato’s Socrates says, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Recognition of that point can lead to a desire to live a deeper, more meaningful life. But on the other hand, I have found one gets to a point philosophising where one realises one is not living in the world enough. Life also desires experience.
Anyone else meet with this problem?
my real name
In other words then, the ‘unlived life is not worth examining’.
How unlived must a life be before it’s not worth examining? How about a biography of a homeless person? I’ve heard it said that everyone has a story, and it seems to me an attractive idea to ask a homeless person out to lunch in return for them telling you “their story”. How about the unlived life of an aborted foetus? I guess the mother’s story might be more commanding of interest to the general reader.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure turning true phrases around to get other true phrases only works when one reverses into the statement’s contrapositive, which I’m not sure that was. (“If it’s an unexamined life then it is not worth living” => “If it’s worth living then it is not an un-examined life.”) But a cute rejoinder anyway.
my real name
Homeless people are philosophers? Is that a fact or a prediction (said that philosophy major)?
you wrote;
Obviously you had something particular in mind. One must have a life before one can examine it. What it means to ‘have a life’ I borrowed from what seemed to implicit in what you wrote - otherwise the simple answer would have been; ‘of course one is living in the world enough, silly; otherwise one would be dead.’ The usual interpretation of this particular ‘Platonism’ distinguishes between zoe and bios in a manner which allows for a million different interpretations. Yours seemed to be the usual point that a life (zoe) lived in contemplation of what it means ‘to live’ (bios), is like a candle burning at both ends. Which is why I responded so cutely with ‘an unlived life is not worth examining’. The contrapositive you provide does not so anything different, or make any elucidation. (I suppose this is the point) I was not relying on some ‘logical validity’ to undergird the legitimacy of my response.
All men by nature desire to know. (Aristotle) But I was speaking of my chance of examining their life, however insightful it may be. If it was worth listening to, it would be worth them to think about as well. And that would be greatly tragic if any human life were not worth examining! It would indeed not be seen as worth living.
I just meant that life is to be lived. To contemplate is an important part of life, but so is living your life story. Bringing the ideal into praxis.
my real name