What do you love the most about....

What do you love the most about me?

Don’t be shy ladies and gentlemen.
I know that at some point everyone has wondered about how great I am in so many ways, but of all the different things which make me so awesome, which is your favorite?
What is it about me that you love the most?

You seem to be a reasonable thinker who can verbalize well.

I like your modesty.

:laughing: :unamused: :confused:

Your posts make me laugh and recently they have done so when I most needed to laugh. For that I thank you.

I think you guys are awesome.

I like it when I imagine you slathered in butter.

It’s very strange that you say that, because I’m actually slathered in butter right now.

Exits stage left " This is getting a bit deep and sticky, I left my boots over there"

Come on guys. Don’t be shy.


I don’t love anything about you, but you are amusing and seem to have plenty of energy.

Geez Smears are you really this needy? :astonished:

No Kris. There were just about 80 people online and I bumped this because I wanted to make sure that plenty of people saw the thread and knew there was a place where they could say all the nice things about me that I know they’re all thinking.

Oh, well since none of them said anything I will, you are a nice intelligent guy.


I love the pitcure of the retard you have as an avatar.


since there is no emoticon for a person falling down laughing their F–ing ass off I will settle for: FDOTFLMFAO :laughing: :laughing:

Kris if you’re laughing, then this thread is a success.