According to Kant’s definition, innate ideas are those that nobody can think of, they are born with us, namely in our genes. I know what he means, but I can’t but to think that this particular concept is highly speculative.
Just to be critical as he was, I say that no generally abstract ideas should be defined as innate. The idea of “God” isn’t born with us. When we were firstly aware of our surroundings, e.g. the sky, we respond feelings rather than thoughts. “God” is only developed later, as we reasoning over our experiences, in the attempt to explain natural phonamona, e.g. thunder. These experiences in this case could be those with our social superiorers, e.g. our tribe leaders, who have the power over us - as we could do nothing about a thunder. Hence, “God” is a product of reasoning out of experiences, like pretty much any idea else.
Space and time, accroding to Kant, is the basic means of reasoning experiences and proccessing sensations. If there is anything that’s innate, these should be the ones. However, to say that we are born with the intuition of space and time, is just as speculative as those so called innate ideas. We show inacurate deductions about time and space in childhood, and we get better as we grow up. But if not, how come we have the ability to reason?
I consider a baby being born (maybe I should consider right from fertilisation). At birth, he possesses nothing but the “will to power” and the basic human surviving instinct, e.g. crying for air and sucking for milk. these are the only innate, the only things that are already in our genes. At this time, rationality and empiriality are at their most primitive - the form of survining instinct. As time passes, the baby begins to develop both rationality and empiriality. The development must be simutaneous, since the mutual dependency of the two entities. Over time, the entities pull and push each other, driven by the “will to power” and the physical laws, eventually into the complexity as we know now: the matured reason and the adult human body. A small brain cannot undertake many logical functions, just as a limited reasoning power cannot ensure the survival/development of the organs/body.
To sum up my points:
All things are developed from infinity and heading towards infinity, concerning the problem of “nothing is a thing or not or what”.
All things have mutual relationships with each other, because they originate from unity hence having the same fundamental characteristics.
All developments are continous, this is represented by time and space, buut nothing special about them, time is because development is underway, space is because nothing has expanded into everything.