what does everyone do for work?

i’m a special education teacher at a middle school. (NOT what i plan on doing for the rest of my life.)

your turn.

work, whats that? Im a student :smiley:

When I was 16-going-on-17 I landed a job at jlab.org as an intern web developer. I held a job there until I was 20. By that time I had quite a bit of experience… all of which I hope to never have to use under duress again my entire life (FUCK DATABASES@@@#@@#!@!@!@).

Now I’m poor and unmotivated. I live off of meal plans, the internet, my guitar, and shite to read. I don’t even have a car. It’s the BEST!!!

I’m in special education.

Actually, I was in special ed, now I’m a bum college student.

Why special ed? Well I was a gifted child that got sick of dealing with reality. I failed eigth grade. I was outright defiant towards teachers and objected to all forms of “work”. One year after that behavior pattern started, I failed. …even band… and I was first chair. (Who the hell cares about scales and sight reading, I can play from heart).

When doing an IEP to find out of they should hold me back or not in middle school, they found … well, to hold me back wouldn’t be doing me or anyone else much of a service. So I was “skipped” through eigth grade even though I already went through it and placed in special education classes throughout my highschool career.

I wanted to be a proctologist…

But I couldn’t find an opening…


No, I deal with wood. I make things with it then sell those things.

How Jesus of you.

I’m a broadcast engineer for a CBS television affliate. For the past 15 years I’ve lived and worked alone for three days of each week in a little hut at the top of Mt. Mansfield in Vermont. As it happens, I’m on the mountain this evening. Here’s a photo of where I work:

It’s quiet up here and the view is incredible. It’s the perfect place to do philosophy. As long as the television transmitter is humming along I’m free to read, stargaze or daydream.

Life is good,

Heck, stop complianing, fellows. I can’t even find work–and I’m only 16. But, I want to go into pyschology for my proffessional careeer. :sunglasses:

im a full time stock boy during the summer with a little part time web development in the background… in the winter tho im a student at a gay ass school where i learn about the wonderful world of .NET. rah rah sis boom bah.

Nothing yet. Just a broke college student looking for some tail for the summer. I’m studying English Literature, three years in, and racking my brain cause they’re forcing me to dissect them there books I love. I guess I can either be a teacher, or get off my lazy ass, crawl into a basement, smoke lots of cigarettes and write something people would pay to read. But damn, does that sound any better?

I’m starting to think: fuck the Protestant work ethic.

there you go, basta. rationalize your laziness.

I run a restaurant.

Although I’ve signed a contract not to speak to anyone about my job or else I get fired, I say f#@! the system, I work as loss prevention a.k.a walker a.k.a guy who walks in stores in plain clothing looking for people who steal and then I arrest them. :confused:

What’s your take?

Special ed for you too, Rafa? Yes, I was once part of California’s best and brightest, though I didn’t go all-out against the bricks. Instead, they were entertained with essays on (in English) Oprah Winfrey being my role model, (in History) the Founding Fathers being Satanic, (in Political Science) why the Rainforest should be burned down and why Vegetarians are more barbaric than non-veggies.

Hmm … all that hard work and look at me now.

I wonder how many o them kids I went to school with snapped.

hah! Yes, I did my Secondary Critical Analysis paper in 11th Grade on the lyrics of The Greatful Dead.

When I turned in my chosen subject, my teacher looked at my skeptical and tried hard to talk me out of it. Two weeks later, I dropped a 16 page paper I wrote the night before on her desk.

I got an A.

I liked English and History, I didn’t even have to try. Every English teacher tries to get their students to become independent thinkers, and I always was an independent thinker… so … I didn’t really have to do any fresh thinking to get good marks in the class. I miss writing papers…

Now it’s just… well, it’s programs that I do not do because they’re boring and bringing me to a C or low B in a class where I got a perfect score on every single test including the entrance exam. My friend is mad at me because I just aced my discrete math exam and I never showed up to class… I just read the chapters two hours before the test LOL. I also found a new way of proving that

remainder(( (10[1]) + (10^n) + 1 ) / 3 ) = 0

For all n. (in other words ten to the N -plus two power Plus ten to the N power plus one is always divisible by three). Well, at least new to the teacher.

Fuck grades, and fuck work. I want to be poor as long as I can. The less money you have, the more free you are.

  1. n+2 ↩︎

That’s a nice looking resturant, Tuihu! Too bad we couldn’t all meet there for a philosophy dinner party. I’d have number 154, the Tahoe in pikante knoflooksaus. Could I get that for take-away? :wink:

Best wishes,

Order is taken Polemarchus. We don’t have delivery service, so you’ll have to pick it up. See you soon :slight_smile: .

Ok with me, but don’t ignore your opportunities. Try to make something out of it, instead of [fill it in yourself].

tuihu… that does look like a really great restaurant. where is it located? i’m awful when it comes to geographical things, so forgive my ignorance! :sunglasses: i do think the idea of a philosophy round-table would be great!!

that’s odd that some of you guys were coded special ed. in a way i almost was …they did all kinds of tests on me because i wouldn’t talk and i didn’t care about any of the work that was given to me. i would also stare out windows and pay attention to anything and everything not related to schoolwork. but after the testing they couldn’t code me “special ed.” because my IQ was really high and there were no signs of any “problems” with me. they said that most of my “academic powers” were like that of a 35 year old college graduate. i guess i was just bored.

i think “the system” (of public education) doesn’t do enough for the gifted individuals …they spend so much time and money on folks with serious deficits (emotionally handicapped, learning disabled, etc). they don’t know what to do with “extraordinary people”. and we’re all extraordinary, i’d assume… just for having a username on ILP. :sunglasses:

Dude! Same deal. I remember my teacher in first grade telling me I was a “dipstick” because I stared out the window and made little paper men with rolled up notebook paper. I always got 100% on everything she made us do, though. As the story goes (I wasn’t really aware of this at the time), she wound up asking everyone to draw what they wanted to be when they grew up. All the kids wanted to be fire men, police men, ballerinas, blah blah… I said I wanted to be a chemist. She freaked out that a first grader wanted to be something like that but that he could also explain, in detail, what a chemist did and how it worked. I went into the gifted program. While there… I stared into space and made paper dolls all day. The other gifted kids thought I didn’t belong there b/c I never said anything… I just sat there and thought. After a few years of that, I quit GAIN… it was just busy work for gifted kids… it had no real educational value.

i dont work, supposed to be in uni but i hardly go and in fact might drop out. woot.

Yea screw you! I want that job, when do you need a replacement or apprentice?