I’ve only ever heard skinheads and assorted other racist son-of-bitches use the term until I came here. But I’ve seen enough people say it here and not act like they should be ashamed of themselves, that I guess I need to learn what people are talking about. Can someone please educate me on this?
Zi·on·ism (z-nzm) Pronunciation Key
A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.
noun a worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel.
dictionary.reference.com/search? … &x=37&y=15
Imp is correct in the definition, but I suspect that your query goes to the heart of the word being used as a slur (one side) or a rallying cry (the other side). Think of all the ways you’ve seen the N word used, then look at the context offered by the member posting. Then you will know.