What ever happened to all the natural girls?

What ever happened to all the natural girls?

I see a lot of girls at the pool and beach pierce their belly buttons and have crap hanging from it. They have charms on their shoelaces, charms hanging off their cell phones that seem glued to their ears and a cheap ring on every finger. If that was not enough, they glue all sorts of things on their fake fingernails from pumpkins to Steeler logos. Their ‘cup cakes’ are all plastic as well as their lips. If they don’t silicone their breasts, then they tattoo them or their nipples are pierced.

I have to chuckle at all this breast decoration. Breasts don’t need a damn thing to embellish them - they are perfect as is.

The girls pierce their genitals, have studs inside their lips, mouths, tongues and noses. Tons of piercings running up and down their ears. And many of them seem to have the sensitivity ‘down there’ of one that has been vibrating with a belt sander.

I don’t look at porno much, I’m not a prude, but being a sex addict I had to cut it out about 95% if I wanted any peace. But in the off chance I take a peek, the sex seems so artificial and the girl has to be choked at the end by the guy or slapped around and abused. It is really not a turn on any longer. It is like watching robots having sex.

(…) writes: “This girl I am with now wants me to put my hand around her neck and choke her…not even during sex - like when we kiss or before sex. Is this normal?”

I guess choking is a natural progression for the search of higher highs with the insatiable sex addict. Same with all this external stuff that women grasp at seeking happiness - looking for inner fulfillment through outer possessions. (Men are graspers as well, but I am addressing the topic of natural women here.)

From: How to Want What You Have:

“People who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of sensual pleasure find that the more pleasure they get, the more they want. Small, ordinary pleasures soon lose their power to please and must be replaced with more intense or exotic ones. Heedless sensualists usually meet a bad end. They learn the hard way that their desires are relentless and insatiable.”

Once in a while I see a nice, natural girl, without tons of makeup that exudes inner and outer beauty. Fresh pink skin, clean, plain and nicely groomed hair and dressed neatly. She may have mid length fingernails that are finished in clear coat and the only piercing on her are a couple of inconspicuous earrings. No, she is not a hot babe if one judges her by current trends, but she exhibits her ‘hotness’ in a way that seems to be lost nowadays…freshness and wholesomeness.

Now, I seldom get a chance to talk with these wholesome beauties at length to really get to know them, so I can only judge them by externals. No doubt surface appearance is not always reliable, and their inner beauty may not match their outer beauty, but at least it is a start in the right direction.

Don’t know what happened, but I agree. I don’t like makeup or overly revealing clothes. When I see that stuff it makes me think ‘dirty’, ‘disease’, or insecure and that turns me off.

I think to a lot of guys that stuff is attractive. Like, maybe, they can’t understand that a girl is available unless they put out the ‘signs’: the makeup, jewelry, etc.

Like, some guys will think of their mother or an old married person if they see a girl who isn’t wearing hot pants. They will think that girl is not available.

Maybe that is what it’s all about: girls trying to signal they’re available. It’s primal and guys overlook ones who aren’t flashing the signs, so girls think they have to give the signals to meet someone.

That would explain why married women probably dress less hookerish.

A woman’s reply from another forum on this topic[/size]


Originally posted by matisse

LOL… oh man.
Jesus Christ… you sound like you have some serious issues.
Actually, you sound like a paedophile: “Once in a while I see a nice, natural girl, without tons of makeup that exudes inner and outer beauty. Fresh pink skin, clean, plain and nicely groomed hair and dressed neatly. No, she is not a hot babe if one judges them by current trends, but she exhibits her ‘hotness’ in a way that seems to be lost nowadays…freshness and wholesomeness.” Let me guess, you prefer women to be “brazilian waxed”. The less a woman appears to be an adult, the better for you, correct?

Males project their idealized image of how women should look then, when they are accommodated, turn around and attack that very same image. Maybe you should deal with your complaint that women (girls, in you world) aren’t fitting your image of how they should appear by changing yourself. This doesn’t seem to be the proper forum to air your personal sexual fantasies. You doi realize that “girls” refers to pre-pubescent females, that girls become women when they begin menstruation, right?


Now, I seldom get a chance to talk with these wholesome beauties, so I am judging them by externals. No doubt surface appearance is not reliable, and their inner beauty may not match their outer beauty, but at least it is a start in the right direction.

The “right” direction meaning the direction of your choice.

One would think sex addicts have plenty to work on within themselves before complaining about others. Men who need porn to stimulate themselves sexually have deeper problems then how women should appear. Addiction is not being able to get enough of what you really don’t want. Maybe you should look at that too.

Incidentally, since you are also an over-eater, you might think about referring to areas of the anatomy by their proper name instead of using food substitutions like “cup cakes”.

You remind me of the dark side of self-esteem.

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V writes:

Thank you for your reply matisse.

Girls? I just refer to young women as girls. Hell, I call my wife ‘my girl’ once on awhile. If my use of that term is wrong, then please excuse me. Our high schools refer to their sport teams as girls and boys teams…but maybe we are all wrong.

I am sorry that I do not have time to reply to all the posts in this thread, as I am very busy. But will take some time to respond to this one and hopefully answer a few questions for all.

The point of my original post was to discuss how women nowadays are predisposed to recreating ‘the natural into the unnatural’ matisse.

I make no demands women change in any way. My only demand is that I may have freedom to live, think and to write. but this is something you wish to deny me it seems.

You write; “This doesn’t seem to be the proper forum to air your personal sexual fantasies.”

I tried to keep such personal sexual discussion to a minimum and focus on the subject of natural girls and the defacement to their bodies. Don’t forget, the girls of today will be the women of tomorrow. We are at a ‘simple living’ and ‘enough’ forum, so I felt it a timely topic to bring up.

You write: “Oh Man…Jesus Christ… you sound like you have some serious issues.” …Because I wish for a person to be at peace with their natural state of being?

You write I “sound like a pedophile” …Do I sound like a pedophile matisse because I appreciate natural beauty? I appreciate it in old as well as young. I find many women into their 60’s and some beyond beautiful.

You write “Let me guess, you (V) prefer women to be “brazilian waxed”. The less a woman appears to be an adult, the better for you, correct?” …re-read my OP. I wrote about natural girls, although I am not adverse to a hair cut if hair is excessive. I like women to look like women. These issues you mention stem from your own personal prejudices. All problems are created in the mind. These are just such issues that bother you but do not bother me and you have to come to peace with them for yourself. I make no demands that anyone change…I only comment on their actions.

You write: “One would think sex addicts have plenty to work on within themselves before complaining about others.” … Successful transformation in recovery requires one to look within as well as to look outside of one’s self. I learn form all…both as to success and failures. When I see a direction that leads to failure - I do the opposite.

You write: “Men who need porn to stimulate themselves sexually have deeper problems then how women should appear.” … well the women must appear in the porn first to stimulate the man. Men are visual creatures when it comes to sex…so what. This is how nature created men. Should the nature of man be all changed around to accord with the will of matisse? About 95% of the men masturbate at some time in their life. Women masturbate as well, so do animals, it is natures way. The only questions is if they masturbate in excess and it ends up destroying one’s peace.

Being hyped up is a byproduct of sex. One goes with the other, so no use beating yourself up over it. The nature of the beast with sex is to get excited, so this is what makes it tougher addiction than food and spending, as we can eat or spend and still be devoid of most of the excitement from these areas if we wish. But in general, we cannot participate in sexual activity without getting excited. In addition, it takes a day or two for some of us to go back to normal from sex, so this refractory period is another area to deal with whenever we get hyped up sexually. Is this refractory period bad? No, it is just how things are. The problem with addicts is they overdo things to a point of pain or even under penalty of death. (If you missed my earlier post "7 benefits addictions provide us and wish a copy write me direct.)

vpul.upenn.edu/ohe/library/S … bating.htm


You write: “The “right” direction meaning the direction of your choice.” …No, not my choice matisse…it is nature’s choice and the choice of finding inner peace by being at peace with who you are. If nature is not right in the broader sense…then who is? Sure, humans fight nature with their ego, but in the end nature always wins matisse.

You write: “You remind me of the dark side of self-esteem.” …you are entitled to your opinions.

But what else can you say matisse?

Of course you must use ‘ad hominem’ attacks on me.

I damaged you sense of self…your ego got bruised.

When we invest excessive time and energies in acquiring or building attachments to self, these attachments become veritable extensions of our being and come to define us for ourselves as well as define who we are for others. When these attachments take on this role we become susceptible to pain via these extensions.

If the person, place or thing we are attached to gets rebuked it is a personal rebuke on us, if they get damaged or defaced so goes the defacement and damage to our very being. The ancient Greek philosophers knew that when passion rules the mind, that the only job left for reason is that of the subservient task to find cleaver ways to satisfy the passions. They called it “putting passion before reason.”

The three unwholesome roots of delusions, greed and hate are very basic to a a Buddhist practice matisse. Out of these three, delusion is the foundational root, for without seeing delusions for what they are, you cannot distinguish the other two unwholesome roots of greed and hate.

This ‘delusion of self’ can be seen in all the hate mail I get by women from this post. Some women will see only what their ‘self’ wants them to see and nothing more. Other women are more clear thinking in nature and can see truth without obscuring it with their own prejudices.

Delusional persons concentrate on personalties, whereas persons not of this deluded nature concentrate on truths. In your post you conveniently have skirted over the discussion I brought up and spent your time tearing me down instead.

Women, generally do not like hearing about this subject from men. Most women have a chip on their shoulder…or should I say a chip on their breast concerning men.

Women have a hubby on one breast, a kid on the other breast and the rest of the male population trying to get a piece / peace of them as well.

So, who can blame women for carrying a grudge and being overly sensitive in this area after everyone is trying to grab at them

If one can go beyond self and all the attachments and prejudices, likes and dislikes contained within that self, then one will have an easier time getting at the true nature of things.

One time at eSangha (where I was banned) there was a discussion about the possibility of a woman finding enlightenment. A lady recounted how she asked her Buddhist teacher if a woman can ever reach enlightenment. The teacher told her no. As she was perplexed, she continued questioning the teacher until he told her that a woman cannot reach enlightenment until she transcends the concept of being woman.

If we look at the average woman what does she do in the morning?

She spends an hour putting on a mask to be something that she is not.

The rest of the day is spent looking in the mirror…and hating what she sees.

Can such a person reach enlightenment? (No)

Is makeup up all that is holding her back from enlightenment? (NO)

If makeup was the only issue, men would have it made.

But we each carry our own self with us and define our lives with who we ‘think’ we are via this conception of self.

Most women define self though beauty. And for men, they define life and self for the most part trough their penis.

For enlightenment and inner peace one must seek self without self.

But as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If women like to disfigure their bodies in search of beauty to be something they are not…that is their right.

I only ask matisse that I may enjoy and appreciate this same freedom or right at looking for naturalness in all things…including women.

You write: “Males project their idealized image of how women should look then, when they are accommodated, turn around and attack that very same image.” …I never said that at all. When did I say I like women to have their nipples and genitals pierced with metal, have their tongues and faced covered with rings and studs. Deformed breasts and lips with silicone, inked up bodies, deformed feet with unnatural shoes?..this is all up to the women to decide as choices for themselves. To me it is ugly, not beauty … don’t put words in my mouth, take responsibility for your own actions matisse.

A lot of the women I see seem to be like animals caught in trap, squirming and writhing in every direction, looking, grasping outside of themselves for freedom from this trap to find a modicum of inner peace.

But the trap is an ‘inner one’ and all their efforts grasping outside of themselves are futile.

Always remember, passions are rooted in the self and the self is always is in flux which accounts for the rise and fall of these passions.

Whereas, truth is stable - for the truth is that which does not change.

The truth is: we are all born natural and what we do to this nature is how we recreate ourselves matisse.

Also see my earlier discussion of this ‘nature’ topic:

jesusneverexisted.org/jne/forum/ … opic=342.0

I was going to reply to this thread with a picture of Britney Spears and a picture of a girl dressed modestly in a t-shirt and a long skirt, to show the stark difference between “Hot” and “Beautiful.” Naturally, also to point out that while I can’t speak for anyone else, I am far more attracted to the second.

Know why I didn’t respond with those pictures? I could only find one. The picture of the modestly dressed girl seems non-existent on the internet. I googled for it for a good twenty minutes and could not find a single one.

We just need to bring the words “tart” “loose” and “chaste” back into the common vernacular. It’s not that whores don’t have their place, is that they’ve forgotten what it is, I suppose.


Cosmetology is a form of fetishism. Commodities produced to enhance the aesthetics of people and possessions necessarily generates with it a false value based system which increases alienation more so. The image of the beautiful woman is the product of a long history and development of specific types of consumer culture and fetishisms.

Owning the “latest” products creates the false idea that the owner is “better” than those who do not own those products, and, in turn, represents to the public discourse a modernized version of class and culture. This process is responsible for the activity of the market context and the invention/production of accessory commodities.

Also be aware that within the consumer cultures, values and traditions which the aesthetic commodities represent are cheapened; a girl buys a bone-necklace and suddenly thinks she is “tribal”, or she gets a tatoo of the cross symbol and suddenly calls herself a Christian. Or the tatoo of the psychedelic sun over her ass, so when she dances at the club, it will draw the attention of the frat-boys to look at her Lopez booty, that she has been working on for three months by eating pudding-pops and macaroni-n-cheese. No, she’s not completely “prep”, she also has some “hippie” in her…she even bought a tye-die to match the colors in the tatoo.

Or a man with a desk-job buys a huge SUV and suddenly thinks he’s Crocodile Dundee or Indiana Jones, puts on his flanel shirt, and takes the family on a camping trip where he can use his totally awesome battery powered lantern that he bought at the sporting goods store…no, not Wal-Mart, the real sporting goods store…the one that sells authentic buck knives and Winchester rifles.

No, these people are empty mindless consumer trash caught in the web of fetishism.

See I miss the days when girls would wear natural wholesome outfits like red and pink dotted sailer’s uniforms with triangle shoes. Those really were the days…

Drop the pants and get your " lad in hand " boys . . . Look what I found on Flickr . . .

" Photographs of beautiful woman and girls who are modest in dress and appearance. Make-up is fine as long as it is not overdone and/or heavy. Refrain from cleavage, mid baring tops or overtly “sexy” shots. Looking for beautiful women in their PURE form and not trying to “look sexy”. Color and black and white photos both welcome."

Beautiful Modest Women Group ( 774 photos )

Oh my god… (negative).

I think it’s not just about the women. It’s for an important part about the photographer, who either knows to bring out the prettiest in women or doesn’t.

… Pink?
…There is no ugly people. There is no pretty people. You may say of an actress or actor"She sure is pretty". What makes her pretty? Her hair eyes, skin color?
…It is all preferrential. She or he is pretty only in your mind and the delusion is pleasing.
…True though, that; too much decorations signal neurosis’. Could be lack of self love, low self esteem, egocentric, unhappiness, can’t cook ,etc .
…If for some reason all human had to move to the equator. In a couple of thousand years we would all be dark-skinned. Where would your babe be then? You would probably have to paint her pink. You would be looked at as if “That boy needs help.”

The picture of the modestly dressed girl seems nonexistent on the internet…

Sometime words are worth more than pictures.

Thanks for your reply.

Thanks for your well-spoken reply.

We seldom question if more of a “good thing” is desirable for our supposed happiness in life. The question, that Voluntary Simplicity helps answer, is the question of what IS enough so we may be happy right now in the present. A life of Voluntary Simplicity focuses our attention on the fact that “everything we own take a little piece ~ peace of us.” And in doing so, we can let go of peace and life destroying rituals and possessions and replace them with a contented, satisfied and complete life in the present moment instead of a life that revolves around the next thing to be acquired in hopes of satisfying our insatiable appetites.

Greed is never satisfied by attainment - it is only satisfied by contentment. This orientation of conscious thought to simplify ones life in whatever activity the individual is engaged in is the foundation of success when it comes to simple living…mindfulness of our direction in life. Voluntary Simplicity is the tool I use to counter this desire to constantly expand my life with more complexities, stress and problems and to live within my comfortable boundaries for a serene life.

from Thoreau from his book Walden.

“The twelve labors of Hercules were trifling in comparison with those which my neighbors have undertaken; for they were only twelve, and had an end; but I could never see that these men slew or captured any monster or finished any labor. They had no friend Iolaus to burn with a hot iron the root of hydra’s head, but as soon as one head is crushed, two spring up.”

Was going back to the forum that originated the ladies reply I posted above.

There were about 7 pages of replies at that forum on Friday, but I did not have time to read them. I had only read a few on the first page.

I was greeted with this announcement this morning in my mailbox

“Hello V - Your posting on Simple Living Discussion Forums.
Regarding the subject - What ever happened to all the natural girls?.
Has been deleted.”

There is no crime in searching for truth…the only crime is when one blocks this search of truth.

I am most grateful for the gift of philosophy in my life.

A gift that dispels the desire to kill this search before it has even started.

“The highest object that human beings can set before themselves is not the pursuit of any such chimera as the annihilation of the unknown: it is simply the unwearied endeavor to remove its boundaries a little further from our little sphere of action.” ~ Huxley

Winchester went bankrupt. I’m not sure whether someone is buying/has purchased the name, but there’s a good chance there won’t be any more Winchesters otherwise.

vfr, I don’t like to fuck those made-up girls either. Though I do recognize that this is predator mentality (looking for the weak ones that will be easy to pick off). The made-up girls are narcissistic, or if you prefer, self-confident. Also being made-up is a sign of some wealth. In America, this means less, but in some places, it’s the difference between a girl who can get along without you, and a girl whose stomach you can hear growling while you fuck her. The plain girls are nearly always a lot more co-operative and want to see you again. If her shoes are too big, she’s sharing a hand-phone with her sister, or she’s wearing acid-washed jeans, you can be pretty sure she’s gonna be a good fuck.

That’s nice Gorgias. How thoroughly informative and educational. I’ll make a note of it.

Yah, a lot of it has to do with taste and style. Make up and piercings can look good if used right at the right time. Everyday all the time with lots of makeup is weak. Make up isn’t all bad, though. You got to mix it up.