What evidence will there be of Human life in a million yrs ?

Let’s presume that Human life will not last forever. It will presumably die out, like most species.

If an alien life form landed on planet Earth one million years later, will it find any evidence of the Human species? (Apart from fossils).

All cities will have been overgrown, flooded, destroyed by then. The Pyramids will have long gone.

What will be left?

it won’t find any on earth…

earth will not even be earth as “earth” is a purely human convention…


Come on, Imp, don’t be so clever!

1 million years isn’t very long. We will still be here, and should be here until the sun explodes.

OK, ten million years.

But a million years is quite a long time.

The human race (Homo Sapeins) is, what, 300 000 years old?

I can’t see any modern buildings last more than 1000 years (or even 100). Erosion, earthquakes, and bacteria should destroy any trace fairly quickly, I’d have thought.

I think we are 4 million years old so far. Oldest upright.

Like I said we should be here until the sun explodes, so the number makes no difference.

Buildings are replaced all of the time.

Why do you expect us to be here until the sun explodes? the dinosaurs lasted a long time, but didn’t survive.

I’m sure the archeologists and biologists can come up with other examples. The human race has no special place in evolution.

Well, we can think and solve problems. Other animals are more like organic robots than anything. Things happen to them. We can stop thiings from happening to us.

We are the first animal like this.

What will be left? A huge pile of CDs and DVDs with nothing on which to play them…

… which will be a progress in many cases.


I don’t know how to quite word this but, if were giong to be here in a million years and then the Sun hasn’t blown up, then we’ll be here. Then thats to say they havent already found us.


Aren’t we assuming that “aliens” will even have similar interests as humans, which I doubt they would.

Also, we may go on to colonize other planets, and solar systems, long after earth and our solar system disappear.

In a million years ‘humans’ probably wont exist, but something decended from them possibly could.


LOL, how do you know this? Is it not possible that there are many other life forms who could, and can do this in the million or so galaxies in the universe?

Radioactive nuclear reactor waste deposits.

Will the metal skeletons of buildings last as long as our stone fossils?..or will they rust away by then?

We may be that old, maybe not, but who’s to say we wont kill each other in another million??? We are a very aggressive species, needless to say we have the technology to completely annhiliate the entiere planet, so more likely than not in another million we will have caused our own demise.

Are you sure modern man was 4 million years old? I thought we were a few ten-thousand at most. Anyways, the oldest permanent human settlements that we’ve managed to find were 8000 years old. There were a lot of scattered debris from temporary camps before that.

Homo Sapiens appeared about 150,000 years ago give or take.

i prefer to hear you saying emplosion wich leads the universe to last longer because of a black hole we have a universe because of the sun we have a black hole and without it time/god wouldn’t begin.

i would give them to those over the guardians of destiny first thing we have to do is find them though 0_0.