Okay… so Lindsey Dumolt sent me this in a message entitled…It reminded me of you… so
Here are somethings girls think guys should know about dating, seriously…if you are a guy, consider this your cliffs notes for girls.
Not ALL girls want a relationship.
When you are drunk, don’t say things you don’t mean, that’s irritating.
Don’t act like you want a relationship just to have sex with us. Even if you don’t we will probably still screw you.
Acknowledge us in public if we are going home together that night.
If you are trying to pick us up at a bar, don’t be a jackass, buy us a drink.
If we text or call you, REPLY. Playing hard to get doesn’t make us want you more, we’ll just find someone else to screw.
We get horny just as much as you do.
Manners still apply, open doors.
Call us when you are SOBER, not just when you need a sober ride and someone to hook up with that night.
Stop trying to “Play the game”. You’re bad at it and it will backfire.
You are lucky we even put up with you.
Don’t tell our best friends things that you don’t want us to know. Girls talk.
If we go home with you on the first night, we probably care a lot less about you, than you do us.
If you are drunk, really really drunk, don’t try to have sex with us. It’s going to be bad, and we will tell everyone about it.
Just because you are good in bed doesn’t mean we like you.
Just because we are having sex with you more than once doesn’t mean we like you.
When we call you for a booty call- we are using you. Congrats.
Don’t lie to us when you are drunk, we remember things.
If we are at a bar talking to a guy, we are flirting with them to get a drink, stop being jealous and thank us for saving you money.
If we have slept with someone you know, compare notes, there is always room for improvement.
No matter how much you THINK we like you. We like our friends 100 times better.
Don’t just say “I’m Sorry”, you have to actually mean it, and change the action in the future.
Just saying what you think we want to hear will get you nowhere…stop being a jackass.
Be specific. When saying you don’t want a relationship, say what you REALLY mean, you don’t want a relationship with ME, it will save me vandalizing your shit later when you get into a relationship with someone else.
Lol, why do ‘girls’ post this stuff all the time? I’d like to know what would happen if a guy posted one of these… ooo it’d be bad.
That is total horseshit that you should only adhere to if you’re seeking immature and insecure women. Be yourself, be a man and given the proper proximity to enough females you WILL get laid, or even find a girlfriend. As soon as people start thinking in terms of the “rules of the game” they’ve already lost.
Exactly, it is horseshit, but you’d be surprised how many girls post things like this. It tricks dumb guys into thinking that these are ‘tips’ though like it says.
I agree smears, just being a man, being mature, and treating a woman with respect is all it takes to get the woman you ‘want’ anyway.
I am absolutley repulsed by women who have only their sexuality to offer. These women will control desperate guys so often with that sort of behavior that when I meet them they have no idea how to take me. I can be quite harsh toward those types of girls.
Maybe it was. But then again, rap is very popular, everyone is trying to convert to a gansta or a ganstas bitch, or whatever a rap song discusses. Personally, it’s kinda dumb to me, especially guys who think their hard for listening to it. Or guys who think their hard for listening to metal too, but for some reason I can kinda let that by, I like my pantera from time to time and like to feel like a badass. Personally I think i’m hard at heart, being I will stand up for myself and people and won’t take shit, but I don’t treat people like shit to try and prove i’m not a weak nice person but that’s what I appear to be to people many times, until you push the wrong buttons. Too many people try to hard to be something dumb, I would say ‘they’re not’ but I personally don’t believe anyones ever anything.
No this is true as fuck. Please don’t go pussy on me people.
Its true, but I will point out that this gives more credit to girls then is actually warranted.
And obviously this entire thing is to be taken with a grain of salt, we are not talking about all women here!!!
I think this should be taken for what it is, a sexual guide on girls. Many of the things that are said are true as true can be, and many of the things said apply to a certain category of girls.
And lets not forget that girls will still like you regardless of whether you follow these rules or not. I would not adhere to any of this, but often times shallow women are extremely attractive and in many cases some of these rules are necessary.
And yes a girl definitely wrote this. Just some college girl who loves the cock. She wrote this with her slutty friends while they were blowing lines of coke in their sorority house.