What goes around, comes around

A taste of their own medicine-


Wow… I never thought about just how huge a double standard there is, that people basically tolerate religious folk doing this sort of thing but when atheists do it it’s “unacceptable”. But it kind of makes sense, when you consider that theists are generally indoctrinated to see atheism as evil and stupid – “the fool says in his heart, there is no God” and all that. (Not to say that all theists are indoctrinated this way – our own Uccisore is one outstanding exception.)

They’re not very good at it. How many converts did they make?

I giggled a bit. :evilfun:

They weren’t trying to be good at it, they were just trying to imitate the style of the mormons and give them a taste of their own medicine.

That video was great! I’m half tempted to try it myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

The moment I liked best was when the old guy pushed Mr. Safran. That was funny.

Spunky, misled old fart.

Hilarious :slight_smile:.