What happened to Jerry?

I’d remembered him when i read a list of hilarious puns he put on the chuckle thread. when i read his sig,it seemed somthing was not right.

he is only one of quite i few that dissappeared,me being in the dark as usual.

when people dissapear here,it is so silent…


In silance – more knowledge can be found – then in words.

Invisible treasures…

but that is not so of people dissapearing! are you taking this thread seriously!?

I definitely agree with you Drift, Mr. Jerry is missed and he did seem to just …



I was trying to dish out empty wisdom.

I slice of spam in your wonder-bread, know what I’m sayin’?


Drift, its no secret, the beloved Jerry left because he found the quality of discussion here intolerable.

thank you. i had hoped one of the great watchers of ILP would fill me in.

i have not the strength or the will to completely experience ILP. but i feel i pick up enough.

P.S.,did he make a goodbye thread or just vanish? those threads are like a tombstone we can merely put flowers on…

Jerry was a man that I deeply respected.
I rarely respect anyone or anything, including myself.
I don’t know where he is, but his spirit remains, I can tell.



Jerry was sensitive to certain ideas. Unreceptive to others.

After a while that sensitivity can turn into pain/anger/other as introspective capabilities in people like Jerry become narrowed, honed (and in this sense I mean made better); but such specializations, especially those in which an individual relies heavily on life experience, can become convoluted into a self imposed individual prison.

The result, in this case at least, is a specimen who, in my honest opinion, is an honest, caring individual; however one which is held by a precarious, almost volatile psyche which by nature is prone to completely eccentric jumps and paradigm shifts – ie: the jump from this site.

Notice how Dunamis finds most of ILP a raw sewage stream, flowing out into the absurd oblivion of the digital ocean? (and finds a need to reiterate it at every turn?). It should already be apparent that his attitude seems irrational as someone who is actively ‘using’ ILP for some purpose or another. The reason he stays, the reason he did not pull a Jerry, and indeed one of the main differences between him and many people is that he knows himself well enough to realize the why and how’s of his paradigm shifts, and how these affect his person on a macro level.

So basically what I’m trying to say is 2-fold:

1.) In today’s world there is an ever increasing rift between those who digest any sort of information in a (semi-)intelligent manner, and those who are unable to simply concede to having most of it wash over them while focusing on particulars, a focus driven by emotion and baser instincts perhaps not yet tackled.

  1. Anyone can leave ILP, and I would hope no one is misconstruing this to read that once you’re here, you gotta stay. But to leave suddenly on the pretext that the quality of conversation here is intolerable is to either refer to intolerable in a truly humble (and given the regular language philosophy present at ILP, almost embarassing) sense, or to suffer from the affliction in 1.) – namely emotional issues.

Emotions determine belief, and beliefs determine action.

thanks for that report.i feel i cant absorb it properly right now as i am in one of my ILP absence phases.(for a reason)