What I want
The most
Is death.
What I want
The least
Is life.
What I will
Is survival.
What I will
Is sacrificial.
What I understand
By intellect
Is true.
What I understand
By emotion
Is false.
What I want
The most
Is death.
What I want
The least
Is life.
What I will
Is survival.
What I will
Is sacrificial.
What I understand
By intellect
Is true.
What I understand
By emotion
Is false.
Your insecurities are eating you alive. I’m telling you man, you’ve got to open up your mind and live a little, or else you’ll get what you want, while simultaneously realizing it’s not what you want and it’s too late to change it.
I know what I want; trust me on that.
money hos and clothes?
I want a mansion, stocked up with babes
secreted in cubby-holes and summoned with waves.
they sport frilly aprons and wear high-heeled shoes
and bring marmite butties with bottles of booze.
They can come from Bulgaria or Azerbaijan
smuggled in freighters, smothered in spam
to fool the sniffer-dogs with a concealing scent
Believe me, I’d count it as money well spent.
Cheer up Unreasonable, life can’t be that bad. And even if it is, it can’t stay that bad.
…once you start living, you’d be wishing the opposite of your OP - Smears is right!
Assuming this to be an autobiographical piece…
What sort of death is it you want (physical? rebirth?)? What sort of life is it that you don’t want (physical? survival-based?)?
What’s bummin’ you out in particular, or are you just fine and felt like chrystallizing some (real or imagined) dichotomies? It’s interesting.
is it that simple?
I want my spirit to stop vibrating, but not in a way that I will be sent to Hell.
Life is intending me to do shit that I don’t necessarily want to do.
I am not free in Life.
welcome to the club.
This is called being out of alignment. You could keep fighting it, but in the end, like the man said, you gotta serve somebody.
God is gone from the Common Man then; kill me now.
This is not the life I would have ever chosen for Mankind.
God is the common man.
You choose. You have more power than you know.
i know this is not my thread, but may I ask you to elaborate on that?
I used to believe everything was sacred. Society told me ‘no’.
I used to believe anything was sacred. Society told me ‘no’.
I used to believe something was sacred. Society told me ‘no’.
Now, nothing is sacred? – yes, disappointment.
I was born 100 years too late, or, 100 years too early.
I’m a panentheist.
There’s a God within, which - because of that alignment thing - most probably has very little to do with “society” which Unreasonable seems to be a bit too preoccupied with, if I am understanding him.
Whoo boy, you need to watch more TV and eat twinkies. The way you’re going you’ll fizzle out like a wet banger before you reach any age at all. And frankly, quit your existentialist whining because all that signals is a hippopotamus-like ability to wallow. If the simple condition of being a finite being in a world full of less than enlightened fellow finite beings drives you to this degree of anguish [is it something you maintain btw. or something you shrug on and off like some kind of caul…? Does this bitumen shroud fall upon you only at the keyboard or pursue you down to the diner…? Do you order hash-browns with desperate feelings of emptiness on the side…? Or just chow down with the rest of the cattle…?] then jeeze, join the fucking club, take a number and siddown.
If everything is sacred, then that makes being sacred nothing special. If anything can be sacred, then that makes trying to be worthy of becoming sacred a worthless pursuit. If something is sacred then that quality should announce itself in an irrefutable manner to all and sundry simply by virtue of being so.
Either God elicits your every action down to the least twitch, and you can never know it, or doesn’t and again, you can never know it. Ergo, worrying yourself stupid about it is… stupid.
Not to put words into rainey’s mouth but God is also the common man in that the common man dictates the accepted shape and face of God. At the moment that’s a kindly chap with a long white beard who sits on a cloud - perhaps next to that kid who always appears on DreamWorks movies. You can either worship God within this accepted model, and be deemed sane, or worship him in a more exotic form - the spaghetti-monster variety springs to mind, and be deemed a raving loony.
You were born at the exact moment of your birth. But don’t tell me, you didn’t ask to be born.
Not to put words into rainey’s mouth but God is also the common man in that the common man dictates the accepted shape and face of God. At the moment that’s a kindly chap with a long white beard who sits on a cloud - perhaps next to that kid who always appears on DreamWorks movies. You can either worship God within this accepted model, and be deemed sane, or worship him in a more exotic form - the spaghetti-monster variety springs to mind, and be deemed a raving loony.
Oh, man. Cripes, if I was still into discussing philosophy…