what influences my perception?

Hey guys, first post.

Consider this little experiment, where I ask you to count everything that’s green in your room. you have 10 seconds. I ask you ‘how many things are green?’ okay…now i ask ‘how many are brown?’ You probably couldn’t answer the last question immediately. You were focusing more on green than brown.

I ask…what force influences what I percieve when I’m not consciously thinking about it? When I don’t ask myself “what am I focusing on/thinking about?”

Hello, I’m fairly new to the forum too.

It would be fairly easy for one’s brain to switch from counting green objects: to brown ones. The influencing factor of one’s thoughts? You!

Meditation allows one to prioritise one’s own thoughts, and stops thoughts spinning around - I personally think that this occurs because we are scared to know what our real thoughts are: as is the case when people are scared to meditate beyond a certain point: for fear of ‘the unknown’.

But there is actually nothing to fear, but the fear of realisation itself, and then you can choose what goes on in your head/what you want to mull over, or dismiss from your mind, etc…