Is beauty existed independently out of our consciousness?
Or we regard any thing in the world which will be beneficial to human life as beauty,so it’s existence just depends on our subjective mind and there is no such things as beauty existed in the real world.
If so, is the things we regard as beauty a guidance for humans to better his life and rase?
I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that beauty (things or humans) don’t really exist and it’s just formed in our subjective mind and without the formation of it there’ll be no guidance for our life to reach it’s goal.
No one and nothing can claim to be beauty by one’s own recognition.
Beauty is a thing attractive to other people, becauce it is only others who could get benefit from it.for instance,a man marries a beautiful woman can have good looking and smart offspring and thas is beneficial to his life.
Beautiful things or humans are attractive to people is because people could take advantage of it for their lives’ purpose.or in another word:things or humans that could benefit the life of others would be deemed beauty by people.
Pulchra sunt quae visa placent , used good old Tomas Aquinas to say, and I’m sure he knew what he was on about. Beautiful is what pleases the eye, now there’s a sound dainty judgement. Of course, the strain in this relationship is on the eye, which is compelled to find something to genuinely like.
Now the eye is connected to the brain and everything that reaches the eye makes its way to an area-thingy on the brain. The brain itself is the intendent of what we call memory, which pretty much defines our place in the world. It’s very simple, actually; the world opens itself like a Sicily orange, we vacuum it into our brains and queue the music of random associations and freak emotions bumping into each other like drunken foxtrot dancers.
The more transections we can determine our mind to perform when looking at an object, and the louder the music of emotions in our self thingy, the more inclined we will be to pay homage to the object and bow down to its artistry. The spiritual benefit one experience by contemplating an object is usually decisive in establishing its fairness. Most of it goes on inside. We’re very subjective bastards, us humans.
Surely though, that’s not all that beauty is about. Aquinas himself realised there must be some kind of form to beauty, and he coined it in three terms: unity, harmony and luminosity. Ad pulchritudinem tria requiruntur: integritas, consonantia, claritas, just to boast my progress in Latin. When Aquinas says these, I think he has in mind also the first sentence, about the eye - these term describe the way an object is perceived, but this tim in a connotative sense. I think he refers to how the mind “sees” the object - whether it can grasp the object in order to conceptualise it, perceive within it a harmonious design and has a clear “view” of it.
Kant gives two basic determinants of beauty. One is dependent beauty where a predetermined concept of beauty determines if something is beautiful…
The other is “free beauty.” Here there is no predetermined idea of what it should be. It just is.
Here is where it gets interesting since Kant uses the expression “purposiveness without purpose.” to describe the nature of this beauty. The beauty seems to be pleasing regardless of its usefulness or associated morality. Beauty than appears like it should have a purpose but what is it?
I tend to agree with Simone Weil’s explanation of our attraction to free beauty.
She believed that beauty in the world as in the relationships that exist in geometry indicated the telic character of existence beyond that of our world.
The outer man would be attracted to it in such a way that it could pass right through defensive mechanisms and touch the soul (inner) of man and motivate awakening.
Naturally, if we only appreciate beauty and become fascinated with it without allowing it to enter our presence, it will become a veil to the greater truths they are indicative of. The purpose of beauty then is to awaken our deeper parts to the presence of the great higher realities that are hidden behind beauty but are man’s potential to become able to know and to understand for the good of his “being.”
I think every one of us appreciate beauty,but it is not so easy for us to allow it to enter our presence as we want to.
If the beauty refers to the environment we live in,it is rather easy to make it beautiful accorting to our preference.
If the beauty refers to a person of opposite gender,allowing it to enter our presence is not a matter as easy and simple as we deal with our living environment,though it is absolutely more significant for the good of our being.