Ok guys, I got a great topic for you guys, I have been listening to the media for a quite a while now and I’ve just always wanted to hear what you people have to say about this. I know you guys have heard of advertisements that say “Christian business” but what makes it clear about it? Would it be any different from other business? How? Why? How is it different from an ethical business? What is the term, Christianity, mean to you in your own opinion? How do you think it reflects the other business that arent Christian? Well, thats all I have to say so Say what your thoughts want you to say!
Could it mean that Jesus died for their half-off sale?
In all honesty, I think it’s just a marketing ploy to entice other Christians. I’m assuming you heard this in America? The American population is over half Christian (according to some surveys), so that’s a rather large chunk to appeal to.
It also seems to be overt discrimination amongst the Christian population. “I will not support non-Christian businesses because then I would be supporting Satan.” That sort of thing.
Actually yes I did hear it in America over the media. Why do you think its a marketing ploy to entice other christians to come? what about the non-christians? Assuming you were a non-christian, what would your first thoughts of it once you saw such advertisements for it? Would you find it ethical or unethical for other regular businesses out there?
Hello again, Tayler. I am most definitely not a Christian. I would have no thought about it at all, and never have. I may be able to be dissuaded from this opinion, but it seems to me only a fool would be put off by this alone. I just cannot think of a reason why I would or should be.
I suspect that you have such a reason, but that it will take great patience for me to learn what it is.
It’s that they need to announce something that has absolutely no relation to business that puts me off, initially. What would you think of a business that claimed to be “a heterosexual business”? It doesn’t exclude anyone, it just has this insinuating undertone that I find repulsive. What about a business that was “a Republican business”? Or the other way around, “a gay business”, or “a Democrat business”?
In all fairness, I would be put off by a business that openly claimed to be “an Islamic business” as well. I just don’t like having religion thrown in my face all the time, because it is a very personal thing.
Unless they are in the market of selling Christians, why would they call themselves “a Christian business”? And, in doing so, does that mean that the store owner thinks I am going to hell for not believing that Jesus was actually the human form of God? I don’t want to do business with someone whose beliefs lie in me burning for eternity in a fiery hell.
It really is a marketing ploy, and it makes me somewhat unhappy to hear ads like that. It’s like that episode of South Park, where Cartman forms a Christian rock band just to make a million dollars.