Some people say that desperation when a person sinks so low that they will do anything to achive a task that they strive for? Or is something more simple? Does anybody know? How does desperation treat your destiny? I think desperation is a bad effect on destiny because your judgement and clouds what you truely strive to go for. But thats my opinion.
Hi thought provoker,
Desperation manifests in different ways and at different intensities. Also I think we need to distinguish between desperation and despair.
One form of desperation which has interested me is the desperation of lonely and unhappy people. This brings about such frustration for the victim that they will grasp at another person as a ‘lifesaver’ and the intensity of this grasping seems to be no help to them and almost always brings about rejection and a further fall into hopelessness. It is only when such a person reaches rock bottom that real despair sets in and ironically, they are then more approachable.
The most difficult person to be around is the person who is struggling desperately to stay afloat, doing this in the wrong way, and bringing others down with them. It is in this stage, when they still will not admit that their strategy is not working that they are most likely to lash out. There is an instability in the desperate when they see their ‘saviour’ turning away from them.
An easy person to be around is someone who can cope with life, who is not struggling, and feels no need to grasp at others for dear life.
Society at large sees no value in desperation. Would you employ a desperate plumber, accountant, or surgeon? We live in a society that values material success, and failing that a coping mechanism that doesn’t call too much on other people.
Desperation is the pits, and most people would fight desperately not to be seen as desperate.
All in all, the manifestation of desperation is a good advert for Buddhism.