What is fear?

Does fear exist?

  • Of course
  • Perhaps under a definition of being intimidated by something
  • No, anxiety is fear and may be overcomed
0 voters

I believe that fear does not exist, merely anxiety… and henceforth anxiety may be overcomed by realized what is going to happen, will happen no matter how scared of it you are.

Pronunciation Key (fîr)

A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.

I’ve felt agitation and anxiety when there’s danger, i’ve felt fear. Fear exists.

Thinking conceptualy of course, facts have no place in philosophy, they only support it.

fear is a chemical reaction

the chems pump in and they subconsiously alter our perception, we can see things coming at us about to kill us more eaily just like we suddenly think that window blind blowing in the wind is the fucking boogey man right there

this has been naturally selected to be what we and many animals use to run away from predators more efficiently and therefore helps us to have babies

it hurts us today because we are afraid of our debt hurting our credit record and preventing us from paying our bills before the mob comes and kills us. the problem is once weve done all that we can currently do to help the situation, we still continue to be afraid, stressed out and with a neckache

unless of course we realize that it is nothing but our stupid evolutionary monkeyness trying to work in a human world. i am special in that i dont give a god damn about anything and im never stressed out. bad stuff may happen and i buddhistly ignore it and say oh well it is gods will.

if you accept that whatever will happen is the combination of your best effort and fate and may be good or bad, then you can accept anything and not worry about it beforehand

maybe thats the wrong way to explain it, but salvation from fear sure does exist. i am proof

Good answer future man. I agree, for their are always chemical equations to counter other chemical equations, most of them are in our heads.

Perhaps fear is nothing. It is what a person makes of it, but not all people have the same ideas of what fear is. A man cannot be afraid of something unless he wants to be. For example, I am not afraid of death, because I welcome it. I would not be the person that I am if I was afraid of something. Here is a question, what can we consider a fear and a phobia? Defined a phobia is a fear taken to an extreme in my intake of it.

Why would someone welcome death?

It was an example.

Fear is a mental state that heightens mental activity so that the human body is in fight or flight mode. This means that when we expierience what we call fear it makes our body want to either run away from the unknown or to beat the pulp out of it. Think about it, if you are being chased by a psycho with an axe and he is going to kill you, you are not afraid of the psycho but what he is going to do to you; proving that you are not afraid of something just concerned about what the consequences of what you feel afraid of might be.

[b]Well, if you do not fear you do not respct.
And you do not take care. Of yourself, and others and things.

If you fear, you fight better, but if fear takes over, you are a prisoner, and it may kill you.

Fear is an element in personal dynamics, it must be like a wheel in a mechanical clockwork, doing its job, and not overdoinig it.

When fear rumbles around in the lower parts of your feelings it may drive you to brutality and at least to reactions that are not wisely balanced.

The moral to draw from it is to give fear a place as high as possible in your echelon of feelings, do not speak of consciousness in this matter.

But some words and symbols that make it possible to share the fear is healthy.

Fear is monumental in life.
Ignore it and you ignore a force that easily can prepare you a prison.
If you are not already in.


Memo! This is brutal truth.


Yea! You can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true.

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer, the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will allow it to pass over me and through me, and I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has passed, there will be nothing - only I will remain.
-Frank Herbert

Fear is the state in which mental activity ceases. One need only look at the history of politics to realize this. How many nations and peoples have lashed out stupidly because their leaders scared them shitless with ghosts and phantoms?

If you would be master of yourself, master your fear.

ANightAtTheOpera and ApocalypseOfWar are right. Fear only exist in our minds. Like Anight said, fear is relative to the person. I am not afraid of the same things you are, the reason fear is experienced is because of our past experiences. If you had a bad experience with something in the past, or you have heard that whatever “it” is, is bad and scary, then an assumption is made that the information you have heard is true. Once this information is true in your mind, then it is true in your reality, and at a place in this persons reality, that fear exist. But only because they choose to believe it exist. If there were no precognitions on the “it” that is feared, then it couldnt be feared. But then again, if you are a person who has learned to fear new things, then you would fear the “it”. Humans organize our thoughts by placing them in categories. Stereotypes is a better word. Once a stimuli is placed in a category, we respond to it according to what category it is placed in. If it is perceived as scary, then it will be. Ever since you are born, fear is used to try and control your actions. It works.