What is "indie" music?

Is it a particular sound or does it just describe the creative control a band has?

Also, anyone know of any good indie bands? I just got into MGMT and I love them. I think their going to be big real soon. Awesome songwriters, but unlike most indie bands, have a very accessable sound.

All, “Indie,” music refers to is music that is not released on a label, or music that is not released by a major label.

Addition: Some labels are referred to as, “Indie,” labels.

It has little to do with the music itself, almost nothing.

It means, basically, that if you’ve ever heard of it, it sucks.

Now, Phaedrus, be polite and respectful to the multi-billion dollar recording labels, they ALWAYS put out a product that is not based on cheap commercialization, tawdry dress and lyrics that the band/singer didn’t actually write.

Just look at Fergie, that is an excellent example of what a major label can do for us.

As you are aware, she is the Dutchess, and she will get you drunk off of her hump, her hump, her lovely lady lump.

The saddest part of the whole thing is that SHE probably could have written better lyrics than that.

Freddy Hubbard is from Indy, isn’t he?

I have to disagree with Pavlovian. Technically it is supposed to independent band i.e. from a major label, but I know here in the UK it is a genre, a sound if you will, just like Rock and Pop, each has there sounds and costumes like the fucking caricatures they are. Anyway, as far as I’m concerned modern indie peaked with The Libertines and the few good bands who were around then…today I just think that scene is shit.

If you want to keep abreast, just look at the NME, every week you’ll have a new band of the year to indulge till the next issue.

You also have Indie from the 90s or Brit Pop, the obvious likes of Oasis, Blur, Ocean Colour Scene, Pulp etc. etc.

I always thought bras were better at keeping abreast…


The Arcade Fire is arguably the best band out there right now. Many people consider them indie. I dont think the “scene” is dead.

It’s a play on words!

That is because you are a fool! A FOOL!!!..Arcade Fire :laughing: …best…band… :laughing:


Their last two records were arguably the most critically acclaimed two albums the modern rock world has seen. Neon Bible and Funeral were hailed by many to be not only “years bests” but instant classics. Also, time has treated both releases exceptionally well.

They are unusually large and popular based on word of mouth and their live shows. NOT because a big record label pimps them out.

They are praised consistently by “legendary” artists like Bruce Sprinstein, Bob Dylan, David Bowie etc…

Their sound is completely fresh and original while offering something for pretty much every type of music fan out there.

Its stupid to get into “Who the best band out there right now” but any serious music fan would put the Arcade Fire in the discussion.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Silver Mt. Zion, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Explosions In The Sky, Band Of Horses, Death Cab For Cutie, Midlake, The Besnard Lakes, The Hidden Cameras, My Morning Jacket.

None of which should be taken to suggest I don’t think Arcade Fire are brilliant, of course…

Also, you could go as far back as the likes of Talk Talk, My Bloody Valentine and even The Velvet Underground, were you so inclined… not to mention Pink Floyd.

I dunno, I can accept them as a good band, very good even, but I don’t think they’ve released their best work and I wouldn’t rate them as one of the best bands in the world quite yet. In a few years maybe.

However I haven’t seen them live, so I reserve my final judgement until I do.

You’re right, they’re not as much of a label whore as certain other groups, but I think the reason they’ve done so well is because it has become fashionable to like them, not directly because of their talents. I also think the amount of hate they receive from some quarters is because of this.

indie; a fashion, a trend derived from emulation.

dailymotion.com/video/x1jgpp … le-wake-up

No substitute for being there, naturally…

I don’t get this at all.

They release two, not one but TWO, albums that are pretty much considered legendary at this point. If they released half assed stuff from here on out people would still point to Neon Bible and Funeral as sacred artifacts in the music scene.

Lets say your right…They havent released their best stuff. What on earth does that even have to do with “The best band out right now”? People dont gush over artists for what they will do. They gush over them for what theyve done.

Your “its fashionable to like them” comment holds no ground whatsoever. Where are you getting your statistics? You could say this about any band thats popular and critically acclaimed.

Heck, I wouldnt even call indie popular at the moment. Its most popular with college kids and, from my current experience, in a classroom of 30 youd be hard pressed to find 5 kids who listen to indie music.

I would hardly called them ‘considered legendary’; apart from anything else their last album is only two years old, that’s hardly enough to become a legend. Nor is a 2004 album. Their records have been among the best of the year good, rather than best ever good, mostly because that is entirely subjective and requires more than a quantifiable musical talent. Long story short, they aren’t legends, they haven’t been around long enough and you’re overhyping the albums.

Because the point, that I admittedly didn’t make very well in my previous post, is that I don’t consider them one of the best bands out there. However I think, someday they will be.

No you can’t. especially since there’s no common definition of popular here. Popularity and fashionability are connected, given the loosest definition of the former. It’s fashionable to like them because people who think it’s fashionable to name drop bands to make them sound cool gravitate to them. They have a certain level of popularity because they’re popular, rather than a ‘fan base’ of fans of their music. How do you expect me to support that argument with statistics, I am merely speaking of my experience. They’ve become the musical equivalent of ‘The Shawshank redemption’; the classic example of a movie that guys namedrop to make them sound deep.

I disagree with this. There are multiple groups in society and I would hardly call it popular with all of them, but within the younger audience (say, 14-18) there’s a sizeable indie group, within uni there is, within the richer groups of society there is. Go look at magazines, listen to the music they play on t.v., Hell Match of the Day use Noah and the whale to back they clip sections, British number ones have a sizeable portion of indie pop numbers ones, etc etc.

This is entirely dependent on living in Britain.

music from Indiana,duh.