What is most important for you?

What is most important for you?

  • Social status(respect and love from everyone)
  • Career
  • Family/Friends(A close circle of friends)
  • Social life(A large circle of friends)
  • Knowledge/Philosophy/Culture
  • Something else
0 voters

The most important thing for me is to have a high social status. It is so much more important for me than anything else, that I wonder how normal is that.

What is most important for you? If the poll doesn’t have your thing, just write it.

In this poll “career” is separate from social status, even tho a good career definetely contributes to the social status. When I say social status I mean being the center of attention, the smartest and the most respected and loved person in the room.

philosophy and knoledge of it.

it sucks that social status is most important to you. ;(

3 and 5.

unfortunately for me, i too have been poisoned. if i had any social status (by the definition of this thread), it would be at the top of my list, even though i hate it.

Unlocking as much of the potential in my brain as possible.

Translation for sheep: Having the appearance of a ‘hippie’, ‘pothead’ or any other ambiguously-made-vacuous label.

“Knowledge” makes me want to throw-up, when it’s not coated with sugar.

Of all the things I would have, strength would be the finest one for me. “Something else”, I said, as I thought about the full meaning of strength itself.

Even imagining that some can be tagged with the vacuous label of “sheep,” while dreaming that you can’t be, demonstrates that you’re in a box with no doors or windows. JMO. :slight_smile:

Of temporal things, I will have to decide between #3 and #5. I value both family/friends and knowledge/philosophy/culture. But while I enjoy friends who are educated (and many aren’t), and I can picture myself leaving my friends physically to study elsewhere. However, culture (i believe) is to be studied because it is the study of persons, which Aquinas calls the most noble thing in nature. But it is philosophy which tells me how important people are. So really I have to go with choice #3, although values of truth, where they touch on the eternal, must be greater than even that. Aristotle supposedly said, “I love Plato, but I love the truth more.” I don’t always agree with my friends on philosophy, though, and I would probably keep the friend even if I disagreed with them…as long as their beliefs were not wicked.

So there is my answer. Above my friends, I value goodness – the lack of which would make me sour on a friendship. That must be what I value most – although I may not always show it. But then, according to Plato, we might all value what we perceive as good: “When I stand, I stand for the good; when I walk, I walk for the good.”

Beyond my spirituality, I value intimacy over all other things.

And intimacy is unity, and unity is the solution which humanity cannot manifest on earth, because humanity is not a collective.

I value personal development and inner strength. knowledge and understanding are a path to that. Beyond that I dont particularly care.

Men can unite in truth (part of intimacy); they can then be a collective insofar as they can in a dialectical culture.

I enjoy what could be called “calmness” or the peace that comes with needing to do very little.


And that leaves you pleanty of time to be in your right mind, and it is the environment/condition in which wisdom flourishes. It’s obvious to me, and I’m not surprised by your answer at this thread, as I’d expect you to say such, anyways.

Question: what is most important for you?

K: beer, vicodin, beer, in that order
because in that order I find a very happy buzz.


Someone on this forum at some point said something like:

And incidentally, what IS that in your avatar??

I put family/friends as most important but. Fun is very important it tops the list. Life is too serious, too filled with stres and pain. Fun is a rare commodity. So I think fun is more important over learning, social etc…

Give me a side splitter anytime, anyday and you will have my gratitude.

Doing the right thing is the most important thing to me.

Of those options listed, the knowledge one is the most important.

i think career is most important, with runner up being knowledge.
career choice ties into all of those things.

Eating foods which would be better with cheese, with cheese.

I am not one to spare a sandwich, salad, piece of toast, or my eggs from a piece of cheese.

The first delight man ever experienced was in the taste of what he ate. The romans made the first pizza, btw. It was a piece of flattened dough sprinkled with cheese curd, stuck on the end of a stick and cooked over a fire. The soldiers ate pizza regularly…and drank beer I hear.

Cheese has been an important historical part of our lives and of generations to come.