What is mystery to you?

I’ve heard this word describing anything from Agatha Christie to Jesus. It is used to advertise a good movie and is considered a sacrament in the Catholic Church. I heard it this week here at ILP to explain the connection between a man and a woman.

So, what is mystery to you?

It’s a mystery to me.

A cheap shot… you bugger. Answer my question or I will send you to Think Tank…

I’m not posting this to be a smartass or to imply this is what the thread is asking for, but rather to point out this is indeed one of those words with rather dynamic meaning.

The first four definitions are pretty much how I understand the term.

I am glad you posted that from Wikipedia(?)But how do you personally view the mystery as it manifests itself in your faith?

Love when it hurts your heart, makes it beat strong, painfully and makes tears run down your face, when it feels so strong and powerful you can face your darkest fears. The why we feel it to such a powerful emotional extent is a mystery to me.

Along with the other emotions that when at their peak causes us to go beyond what we thought we could or ever would go. The why is a mystery. why do we need or why do we have the ability to become more than what we are for even the briefest time because of emotions.
Its a mystery to me.

From how a phenomenon occurs we can learn the when. This is explained by science. For example, earthquakes, I think scientists are able to predict earthquakes. The why, is mystery. Children are fond of asking why and they are never satisfied with your answers. Is there a correct and final answer for why we are here.

Mystery about the connection between male and female:

Originally they were one and the same.

The division and seporatist mass production paradigm on earth later rendered a single complete unit into a wide variety of lesser parts, and the Origina-Organaterra has never been rebuilt on the earth.

[If the OriginaOrganaterra was reborn, it would require the mergance of all species of animals and both genders inside one body, and it would be the supriem epitom of earth-beings…]

The refreshing and the upgrading of the genetic codes only happens once upon conception, for humans, and sexual connection does not produce a sort of “gene splice” which sets the body back to a prime state of youth, adopting and growing new genetic traits/strengths of the other.

When one body is near the other, it remembers it’s genetic incompletion and resulting mortality, but this is subliminal and subliminal issues are only consciously felt in emotion.

For humans & all other earth mammals, sex is a baby production system & brain/emotional/instinct stimulant only, it is not a genetic upgrade.

This makes the earth animal have a far slower and incomplete generational evolution rate, evolving oxymoronically once per birth, not evolving & upgrading once per sex partner.

But, things can be different on the astral-plane.


The OriganaOrganaterra can be reborn spiritually aswel, if not physically, and this is done when the magos mannages to possess his body with a ghost of one of every gender of every species on earth. Then his spirit will atleast become the OriganaOrganaterra. But it will only be truly complete as both material and spiritual at once.

Could you explain this, Dan?

I have often wondered about humans and scent. We marvel at the scent of animals, discuss the scent of the caveman, but fail to know whether the scent of a female (during ovulation?) is of more interest to a man than he knows… science would seem so, and yet - we cover ourselves with flowery scents that mask our au natural. Off the topic but mysterious nevertheless.

Freedom + LowIntelligence + LackOfCompassion = Injustice.

Early on in the evolution process, the newly emerging beings were not smart enough to realize that they need each-other, and they took on a compeditive style of existence. This inequality and disunity turned into an eventual food-chain order, instead of the existence of horizontal-collectivism.

The paradigm still used today, was built by barely conscious, primitive animals, millions of years ago, and because it is still our foundationalism, we will destroy ourselves perpetually with it.

“Life” is “too fucked”, here.
People barely realize the bredth of this.

Oh well.

Aversion-sanitation-dignity-complex put a stop to scent tolerance.
That aversion is cultural.

Hi Bessy,
Mystery for me is something that is not easily recognised and has to be “revealed” or shown to the majority. The word comes from the Greek Μυστήριον (mustērion) and can be defined thusly:
Strongs definition:
From a derivative of μύω muō (to shut the mouth); a secret or “mystery” (through the idea of silence imposed by initiation into religious rites): - mystery.

Thayers definition:

  1. hidden thing, secret, mystery
    1a) generally mysteries, religious secrets, confided only to the initiated and not to ordinary mortals
    1b) a hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding
    1c) a hidden purpose or counsel
    1c1) secret will
    1c1a) of men
    1c1b) of God: the secret counsels which govern God in dealing with the righteous, which are hidden from ungodly and wicked men but plain to the godly
  2. in rabbinic writings, it denotes the mystic or hidden sense
    2a) of an OT saying
    2b) of an image or form seen in a vision
    2c) of a dream

The terminology is used in the OT especially in Daniel, but the word is used extensively in the NT:
Luk 8:10 And Jesus said, unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.
This statement says that the kingdom of God has mysteries that can be known, but that there are some who though seeing they do not see, and though hearing they do not understand

Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.
Here Paul is pointing out to gentile Christians that they should be aware of the mystery of the Jews and God’s covenant and not be conceited, since there is something that is yet hidden to them.

Rom 16:25 Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began…
Here it is said that the preaching of Paul followed that of Christ, in accordance with the revelation of a mystery that has been a secret since the beginning of the world.

1Co 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
The wisdom of God is not the wisdom of the world, and is therefore a mystery and paradox, but Paul says that it has been around before the world.

I experience the kingdom of God as a mystery. It is very apparent to me but obviously remains obscured for other people. This obviously has little to do with me in the sense that I could have earned my ability to see, but the fact that I was once unable to see the kingdom did have something to do with me. Though I could, I did not see, and though I could hear I did not understand. This isn’t something new, but rather something that is part of the mystery of life itself. The fact that it has been revealed now shows that the time is ripe. It may be paradox, but it remains true for all that.


Mystery in general to me is about the unseen and the transitory.

In terms of faith, for me, the word/concept of hope holds a lot of mystery–“…hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth why doth he yet hope for?” Romans 8:24

In terms of male/female relationships the quote that best sums it up for me is: “Claude Lorraine was right in saying that the foreground of a picture is always repugnant and that the interest of an artwork must be seen in the distance, in that unfathomable realm, which is the refuge of lies, of those dreams caught in the act, which are the only thing men love.”–Céline, Journey to the End of the Night

Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one sees the manifestations.

Tao Te Ching


Mystery would be the realization that there is something larger happening than I understand. This can be a sensing of the presence of whatever one calls God, to what on earth does that woman see in me? Ultimately, mystery is in knowing that you don’t know.

My most perplexing mystery is why this keyboard goes into fits and refuses to speel correctly. :unamused:

Yes, but why do some consider this mystery a oneness with God and others it manifest itself in feeling confused and depressed? As Bob said (pleasantly, without a tone of sounding elitist --thank you!) he is open to the mystery and therefore “sees” it. The mystery still exists even as the clueless one sits at Starbucks drowning his sorrows in his latte.

I vacillate between the two and although spiritual, the mystery of it makes for my agnosticism. I do envy those who are so sure.


Your power over women has no boundaries… I think it probably stems from the heavy testosterone level in that possum you ate last week after you ran over it with the pickup truck. :laughing:

mmmmmm, road kill. As for test… what ever that is, it’s all a mystery to me.