What is Nowheristan?

“A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at… Progress is the realization of Utopias.”

  • Oscar Wilde

We are living in a sad world where one is forced to choose between the American neo-con vision of the world and the one of the Iranian Mullahs. Dreamers are asked to stick to show business, graphic design or in the best scenarios to marginalized political cliques. We have a dream… and our dream will change the world because we know that the majority of humanity will be seduced by what we are proposing. A radical change is required and “We Have the Solution”.

Nowheristan is the first step on the way leading to Everywheristan. This “gimmicky” name was chosen on purpose to create a buzz around a new vision aimed at solving the historical problems of mankind on the social, economical, political and philosophical levels. It is the brainchild of Michel Elefteriades, artist, former guerilla leader, and the first and last Emperor of Nowheristan (the constitution does not allow a successor). Nowheristan’s theoretical foundations are being worked on by many scholars around the world and will soon be published in a book entitled “We Have the Solution”. The book of Nowheristan exposes a very complex, comprehensive yet reader-friendly vision, of which we will give you a taste now as an introduction.

The concept springs from the belief that many of our established truths, which are almost thought of as sacred subjects, can be total aberrations (e.g. borders, identities, patriotism, world economy, etc.). For Nowheristanis, the histories and traditions of all races and peoples on this Earth are the common heritage of all. Therefore, one can say that a modern Egyptian can be proud that his ancestors built the Great Wall of China; and the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt are a part of the Chinese past. Furthermore, the natural riches of the Earth are resources for humanity as a whole; no single nation should be allowed to hold a monopoly over our common birthright. The oil of Saudi Arabia, the water of the Amazon, the gas of Russia… all are to be monopolized by Nowheristan and to be used to develop people everywhere. The Nowheristani project outlines a system of world governance based on a meritocratic senate of elders. Another deep-rooted belief guiding the Nowheristani project, as stated by Michel I of Nowheristan in one of his speeches, is that "Politicians, this modern-time ruling caste, are a category of people to be equally rejected by society, as are thieves, criminals, etc.”.

This is a brief apercu of our vision, which we can elaborate in further discussions. Thank you for your interest.


How are the elders to be selected? What about language issues and difference in cultural values? How are rich countries to be convinced that they should part with their status as rulers of the world in order to save the poor countries around the world?

What about the innate human tendency towards rivalry, be it location or race or ethnicity? Humans are wired to protect their tribe, be it familial or social, and that is a difficult thing to overcome.

I think it’s a great idea, but it is not something that is easy to do. Personally, I think the only feasible way to accomplish it is to gradually empower the UN, just as the union in the US was gradually empowered, or as the EU is being gradually empowered. And those unions had the advantage of a rivalry which as a united world we will not have. How will these problems be overcome.

The first move of a tyrant is always to condemn politicians. What use are they, when the Glorious Leader just knows the will of the people?

Many points to cover:

o The first senate will be composed of 1200 senators divided into two chambers. The instigators of Nowheristan will choose them among the most brilliant figures in all professional fields (lawyers, medical doctors, scientists, painters, poets, philosophers…). They shall all be over 60 years old and their past should be free from scandals. Senators are appointed for life. Upon death or resignation of a Senator, the Senate, using the same criteria, will elect a replacement. Senators shall give all their wealth in a kind of early inheritance to their families before joining the senate. There, they shall have no salaries and they shall live together in two villages (like Olympic villages) with the level of five-star resorts. Everything is provided to them for free (suites, restaurants, tailors, cinemas, golf, tennis, swimming pools…). These two villages shall be located at the antipodes of the planet and shall rotate every four years to avoid the trap of centralism. Senators will not be mediatized at all, and all the votes and debates will be totally secret. Only decisions will be made public. In order for a decision to be adopted, it will have to be accepted by both chambers after debating the issue separately, each chamber not knowing what the other is doing. “Democratic voting” will be applied there and only there.

o The official language of Nowheristan is Poor English or Broken English. This is the most geographically spread language in the world. It was chosen to secure the ongoing diversity of languages around the world. A broken language is tool of communication and not a rich language used for high social interactivity, poetry, philosophy, etc. and will not threaten existing languages. In this way, a Nowheristani from Argentina will use Broken English to communicate with a Nowheristani from China, but would use Spanish to communicate with a Nowheristani from Cuba.

o Throughout history, emphasis on difference has been used by governments to create national identities. It is time we worked on what unites us instead of confronting one another. Education is the key to the creation of a new world; cultural differences are something interesting to discover in others, and should never be seen as a threat. Using demagoguery and fear as a weapon should be stopped; politicians using it should be sent home.

o In today’s world, people living in rich countries should realize that their wealth is a double-edged sword. The entire world wants to come to their cities because when wealth does not come to people, people will go to wealth. They will try to go there with a visa, and if the visa is declined, they will try illegally. If rich countries are completely closed off to the poor people who are watching the gap of lifestyles between them and the rich, and how the children of the rich are being brought up in leisure while their kids are starving, armies of hungry and desperate people will be raised to bring down the empires of wealth. After knocking over the Communist threat, the North has found a new threat in Islam. These poor outsiders will unite with their “Islamic” or “Revolutionary” brothers from within the country in their struggle. Indeed, the suicide bombers in London were born and brought up in the UK; this is not science fiction.
People of the North should understand that by sharing, they may give up a little wealth (although one cannot forget that they will also be sharing the oil of Saudi Arabia, the gas of Russia and the natural resources of Africa and S. America). Yet, through this rebalance, everybody will be living in a better world where they feel more secure, whether at home and while traveling. Making a few dollars less is worth feeling love instead of hatred.

o Rivalry may be applied on a personal level for professional goals and for self-accomplishment, but not between races, ethnicities… Rivalry creates challenges to make people better, but using weapons, political murder, and oppression cannot be tolerated anymore.

We fully agree. This is why there will not be rulers and politicians anymore as anyone can be corrupted by power. The role of our “Emperor” (who is actually the instigator of the project, and who chose this title for the fun of it), will end as soon as the two Senates are set up. Michel I of Nowheristan will be the first and last emperor, but he will not have any real power. You can learn more about him on weekly.ahram.org.eg/2007/836/profile.htm).

I like the idea of the senators being experts, but I don’t know how effective the selection process will be. Who will chose the instigators, i.e. how will the first set of senators be chosen?
I also take issue with a number of other aspects of the senatorial process. It doesn’t seem that senators should be elected for life, though I can understand the idea behind the decision. It seems that that, combined with the secretive deliberation and voting, removes accountability completely. Transparendy and reprocussions ensure accountability, and that enmsures that leaders will do what is in the people’s interests.

We are the instigators, and the first choses will be made by HIH Michel I of Nowheristan (the first and last Emperor). He has been traveling the world to and talking to people in preparation for this process. A recent article was written about him in Eygpt’s Al-Ahram during one such visit: (weekly.ahram.org.eg/2007/836/profile.htm).

By choosing brilliant persons with high morality who will no longer deal with money and the outside world (i.e. through social obligations), we are trying to reach a high level of objectivity in the decision-making process. Furthermore, before taking a decision, the senators can consult other experts from outside the senate. The important thing is that the decision rests in the hands of experts and not politicians. Another detail not mentioned yet is that in order for any decision to be taken, it has to get 75% of the votes of each chamber individually, and both chambers must reach a consensus separately. If after three sessions, an answer isn’t found, the question is dropped, leaving the issue unlegislated. We believe if such a system cannot reach find a solution to a problem through quiet deliberation, then the issue must be left to individual freedom and kept out of the law books.

But he cannot, as they weren’t his ancestors. There is no direct bloodline between them (though they might share a common ancestor).

But Sauwelios, I have no idea which of my anscestors was involved in what amazing human achievement. Not everyone in China is a descendent of someone who worked on the great wall, and probably most people in egypt are not descendents of those who made the pyramids. In the sense that any member of any culture can be proud of that culture’s achievements, simply by virtue of being a part of the culture, so can we all.

I didn’t want to burst your bubble and all, but “most” (possibly all even) of the labor workers who physically built the Great Wall of China met their deaths there (there is also a legend that they were buried within or around the wall). Qin Shi Huandi (the first emperor of a unified China) made it a habit of killing his own workers, much like Jahan had his workers killed the moment the Taj Mahal was finished. The idea is, if you’re going to make something that will not only stand the test of time but stand as a monument to “your” greatness, would you want it “duplicated”?

I believe that the same is true of the pyramids, where slave labor was killed to protect the designs of the pyramids’ interiors.
But even for projects that didn’t involve mass murder, the point still holds. Human accomplishments can be a source of pride and wonder for all humans.

One might reason: “The DNA of the beings who built the Great Wall of China was for over 99% identical to mine.” I wonder what the percentage would be for the Great Dam of Beaverville.

What is the plan for nations that don’t want to participate, and who want to keep the resources they feel they own for themselves?

I hope this is a joke.

I’m already seeing little holes cluttering the intellect of nowheristan. It fails to stand on the shoulders of other giants. It makes geographic plans that lack science. It has arguments waiting to flesh out in volumes of debate.

It is a good idea to consider – a concept that is nowhere near considering as a physical construct within our society.

Do you disagree that a global government is a good idea?

And now is the time to post some rebuttles, as opposed to simply pointing out that holes exist. Where are the holes? Perhaps they’ve taken them into consideration.

I personally have been thinking about something similar to this for a very long time…somewhat of a new and revised version of Plato’s Republic, taking into consideration our scientific, ethical and moral, and sociological advances.

I agree with Carleas, however, that transparency is essential. If this group of intelligence is making decisions, they should have well thought out, logical and rational reasons for making those decisions, and those steps they took should be made available to the public, IMO.