I am of the thought that getting to the point of challenging everything you know is part of the move from childhood to adulthood.
Since the day you were born your brain builds a world from experiences, and every time it has a similar experience it just enhances and fortifies the brains image of the world.
At a certain points in your life you start using different parts of your brain, that is the move from childhood to teenage to adulthood.
Entering adulthood you now begin to see the world in a different way, fresh and unique. Most of this just reaffirms what you already know about the world.
Some parts don’t seem to fit in and the brain has to solve this by ignoring it or reassessing what it thought to be true.
Some people live their lives like sheep or ostriches with their head in the sand, just becuase they can not handle it.
Others explore this new avenue of conciousness and spend the rest of their lives questioning thier experiences.
I think it could be down to dawning conciousness. I feel that as I have grown older I have grown more concious of the world around me, how it works etc and my awareness of things has expanded.
When I was young I thought I knew it all, I couldn’t get my head round the phrase ‘if only I knew then what I know now’ that alot of older people used to say. I had no comprehension or experience to reflect on what that phrase really meant.
To my mind, the only reality we can be aware of is our own, and that we can not be sure that anyone elses reality is the same as ours or even that any two realities are the same. We just can not say that as each of us only have one take on life.
To tell you the truth most of the time I really don’t understand most of the stuff discussed in these forums, or even what relavence each idea has.
I can’t quote great philosophers, damn I can’t even name them. All I know is that this is a place where I can read ideas that make me think about my own life.
If I try to see the relevance of myself in the big scheme of things I get abit out of balance and have to re centre myself.
So I spend my time as a tourist, travelling through life. As if I am just visiting, collecting images and knowledge to have as bigger experience as I can.
The trick is to try and not to let yourself get depressed.
Like all vacations you need to take time ouut in the local bar at night, chill out, forget what you’ve experienced so far for now. You’ll still have that to reflect on in the morning when you wake up with a hangover!
Basically what I’m saying is don’t dwell on anything, if it’s important it will fit together like a jigsaw puzzle in a few months/years time when you least expect it. I mean you can’t expect to finish the puzzle when you only have one or two pieces now can you? And why break your head trying to work out what’s missing, when waiting a while, doing something thing else until you find another piece to put with the others.
Depression is bad, patience is good, you just have to learn it.
Now where did I put my wibbling stick???