What is the climax of ones life;when does it goes down?

I was thinking about marriage or facing the suffering of extreme poverty.
But now I just thought about was enlightenment.

Now when does it goes down? It seems to be some sort of natural order, calmness, by observing linegraph. Or maybe old age and death is coming, or something that is incompeteable, before you found enlightenment.

Now, I assume adpating to the secure life or state of richness, then realize you are starting to get bored, and unhappy with this state, but refuse to change, this maybe .

Lifes a whole series of ups and downs…
For example I hit a downer after a first date with a woman 2 days ago when I tried to plant a kiss on her lips as she got in her taxi home, but she pulled away saying “I don’t do lippys”, and offered me her cheek instead, so I had to settle for that… (sniffle)
Huh, what am I, bleddy Frankenstein or what?
Its not as if I tried ter stick me tongue down her throat is it?
(But between you and me I didn’t fancy her much anyway because she’s a smoker and it would have tasted like kissing a baboons ass anyway…

My whole life is a climax, ends when I die :slight_smile:

Well for me there have been a ton of them. It goes down about a minute or so afterwards

:laughing: :laughing:

how could you call something the highest point, when you say there are many. When you say there are many ups and downs, surely they are not memorables . I think it is something can never forget, is what i mean climax.

And here I came to thought, someone whould say, I dunno, because I haven’t live out my life yet. or maybe you mistook it as climax at bed.

Climax is wherever you place it.

Life is ups and downs, but we create our own reality and perceptions of what our life is, has been, and will become. If you contemplaate and learn from the past, reflect on the now and enjoy even the small thing, and plan and make goals - no matter how small for the future, I believe that your life will never climax and fizzle out.

I know this is easily said during times of ease. I also stay focused when things external to my control makes major changes to my reality…i.e. a recent layoff and weekly visits to the fertility clinic and death in the family!

=D> wonderful.

If the whole life time were a climax, and death is a vertical aystompte, then being, highest point in existence will never end.

Are you thinking of it like this?:
news.yahoo.com/comics/coffee (Mon Aug 14, 2006)

The climax of a book is at the end of it. Schopenhauer says at the end of life you look back and see the meaning of the whole. The Christian says this is the time to confront the four last things: Heaven, Hell, Death, and Judgement.

The afterlife is an everlasting denouement.


Moment causing intense, instinctive reaction?

But a book is not alive. What is the earth’s climax? Or the universe? unless it is not alive?

That sounds more like the reflex
the reflex
the reflec-flec-flec-flec-flex…

I think stories are for people, whether told in a book or set in the earth or universe.

I certainly hope that the meaning of the world is a function (mathematical metaphor) of the discovery (mind) and love (will) and creativity (truth and love made manifest in external action) of the people in it.

AMDG and all that good stuff.