Tell me I am crazy, for asking such a topic, while numerous researches are delicated to find a solution. And no doubt this discussion will probably be in vain. For how can a discussion/ forum board find any solutions if there are no serious contemplators. But I will let nature takes its course.
Cancer as we all know is a sort of tumor. And researches have found that oceanic creatures and radiation , kemel therapy ( don’t know) can slow the process down. The oceanic creatures I am fondly interested in. For how often do you see a sea creature sick then a land animal. ( perhaps water pollution), One experiment shows in a mouse testing lab, a scientist injects cancer cells to the mices, and after about a week the mice will have a big lump on that spot. And injecting crushed up sea orchids or sort, the lump begins to fade but not all the way.
There are organic cures for certain cancers, The trouble is that while they are inexpensive they are not utilized because the pharmecuticals control the FDA and other Gov’ts. equivelents to the FDA Too much money is invested in chemical cures. You can find out more about organic cures online and in certain books. Leukemia can be cured by a certain plant if used a certain way. Its been too long since I read about it for me to remember details, I know that you can do full research online and purchase organic preventatives and cures online. Be sure to check and research who you are buying from and exactly what you are buying. there are frauds that trade in your desperation. The most serious problem is that Doctors will fight you tooth and toenail to keep you from using them. Especially if you use them on a child. Here in the USA, doctors have had courts remove children from parental custody in an effort to prevent the parants from treating their child with organics. It is a disgusting display of greed.
Damn glad others can see through this bullshit,kris. I hope they pay for thier perfidy… ahem
I belive that without certain toxic elements present cancer cannot survive. Cant give 100% on that.But hell if environmental pollution and cancer Are not directly related. I bet there are statistics of ,lets say,jobs(like ones using cleaners constantly) that clearly show a trend.
just got a message that my thread was moved to natural science.
This would then be my first post here.
What do you mean kris, that some cancers can be cure by organics?
Which type do you mean, ?
I have read one book called the natural cures, which says the FDA are preventing cures to be develop and instead forces hospitals to give thier patients treatment, to stop the proccess of the cancer for profits.
And is there a cancer research facility where usa, or other nations praticipate? Or is it just competition who discovers it first?
if and when you do your homework,you’ll find out the resident orthodox medical cult in Canada and the US kicked out all the cancer clinics to mexico. i hear of people all the time,they want treatment? only in mexico pal.
and i know two of these families personally.
one of them used to do janitorial/custodial work involving toxic cleaning agents,for years.then comes the cancer. they are very old as well.
to claim you can cure anything is illegal. you must go through the FDA(or some other outfit,i cant remember) first. then they take you apart.
thank you for your information, thus far.
Damn the FDA. Maybe the patients should look else were for treatment maybe in France or so, the places where the country is not founded through greed. is there one?
I can’t understand how this conspiracy theory works. Are you saying a real cure would be less profitable? I can’t see how. If you could really cure cancer couldn’t you name your price?
No, because you’d be put under pressure to sell it at a decent price. The whole pharmaceutical industry can only make money if people continue to be ill, ergo it is actually the farthest thing from their interests to come up with a cure. A cure would literally put them out of business. Just like the police aren’t actually interesting in eradicating crime.
I disagree, SIATD. No matter how many you cure new people will keep getting cancer. Or people who have been cured will get another type of cancer somewhere else. So the market for a cancer cure will still be booming.
Besides, if that logic was true no other disease would ever be cured. But a good many have been. Smallpox is basically extinct in the wild [insert current conspiracy theory here]. Polio has also been eradicated. Many other diseases have been effectively cured with antibiotics only to reemerge as they became drug-resistant.
Likewise I don’t see what “pressure” could be brought to bear to make drugs more affordable. The only pressures that seem to affect pricing are supply, demand & competition. When a patent expires and other companies flood the market with generic equivalents the prices come down. But that happens will all drugs whether they consititue a “cure” or just a treatment.
Lastly, any true cure for any type of common cancer would be a tremendous PR coup. Just look at the growth of Phizer (sp?) stock after Viagra hit the market. Viagra is now the most profitable drug in history. If you could cure cancer and give wizended old men erections, imagine how your “stock would rise.”
BTW, I do see how one possible conspiracy theory works: what if the cure wasn’t something that could be patented? Say that eating dandilions while singing opera cured cancer. There’s be no practical way to patent a weed, and most opera is in the public domain. So no pharmaceutical company could make a buck by cornering the market. But what length would they go to to suppress the information?
IF everyone is diagnose with polio or somesort of disease, then the information of a cure would ought to be released in order to have surviving customers.
But if information is not given or a cure is not given to the patient by the authority who has it, then the small ants would just continue treatments to slow down the process of cancer or sort. And if one is cure of cancer, think of the controversy that would make for buisness owners. No more radiation or taking the pills. I think it is the stock holders who causeing a fuss. Maybe we need another stock market crash?
I’m frankly still not convinced that companies make more off of chemo than they would from a genuine cure. Where’s Old Gobbo when you need a good conspiracy theory?
as for stopping genetic mutation… afaik, it’s impossible, or it would require enormous ammounts of energy…
another solution would be to stimulate, or steer, our body’s defense systems against ‘bad cells’
it would probably not be a total cure, but it would certainly help
perhaps this is a more fruitful line of thought
Haven’t read the entire thread…well any of it. Just thought I’d point you to the most recent issue of Scientific American July 2006… Cover story
“Do Stem Cells Cause Cancer”. It seems that the potency of cancers comes from the regenerative capability of stem cells.
“Some research groups are hoping to train immune cells to recognize and go after stem cells. Still others are exploring the use of existing drugs to alter niche signaling in the hope of depriving cancer stem cells of the environmental cues that help them thrive. Yet another idea under investigation is that drugs could be developed to force cancer stem cells to differentiate, which should take away their ability to self-renew”
Michael F Clarke, and Michael W Becker Sciam july 2006
Its actually a pretty in depth article, go to your newstand and buy the issue, or search the web. I don’t know how they are going to do it. To have the immune cells to recognize and go after stem cells, this I assume would be by altering the protein structure of the cell’s receptors so that it would bind to the stem cell. As for the forcing the cells to differentiate I don’t know how succseful they will be on the actual cells within the marrow, but I can envision success of causing the progenitors to differentiate. They eventually will, 6 weeks is the maximum it seems for them to completely differentiate I’m not exactly sure how this would be done, perhaps changing the Ph balance, or temp? Perhaps location is what triggers the differentiation? I’m really not that familiar with it, and I have no clue how they intend to change environmental cues.
What I do know is that the first step to curing a disease is usually understanding it, our knowledge has grown rapidly over the past decade concerning how these cancers operate, now we can work on effective methods to hit em where it hurts. Again I’d suggest the article, or at least browse the web, theres not many here that could suitably answer your questions.