In the tv show, justice,
Truth and justice is different, if you can persuade the judge/s plaintiff in not being guilty that is justice.?
In the tv show, justice,
Truth and justice is different, if you can persuade the judge/s plaintiff in not being guilty that is justice.?
It depends, a person can commit a crime for very good justified reasons. If that person is found not guilty then justice is served. If the person is found guilty then justice is served also, for the person did commit a crime.
John Grishom “A time To Kill” Gives a good example of this. A father kills two young men that raped brutally beat his young daughter. The young men were white, the father black, he knew that an all white jury would give the young men a tiny slap on the wrist if they convicted them at all. The whites had a long history of brutality towards the blacks and were rarely if ever punished. The entire community was getting tired and angry, even most whites but, still to choose a black over a white is unheard of. Thus the father reasoned that since there would be no court justice he would do the justified thing and kill the young men.He reasonings were considered heroic and justified by blacks and whites.
But, he commited a crime. So either way the verdict came down, justice would be served.
Truth and Justice do not go hand in hand. If truth is only told in a straight fact setting, justice would not be always served. Facts and truth can be misleading. Reasons must be brought to light along with facts. Why a crime is commited is just as important as the fact it was committed. Evidence is not always right.
If you can succeed in lying then it is justice? woe to the innocent for I can say. This will not please God.
I understand why now, God made his own decisions over the angels who argue for justice. " Whatever pleases God"
God is good, so his decisions is good, even though it may be unjust.
So justice cannot be good but something else.
If the lie is Just, then it could be taken as justice. Justice is equity of right and wrong. Justice is said to be blind but, that is only true if only true facts are taken into account. Truth seperates itself from Justice when the truth is held as morally wrong. Justice is one of man’s ways of controlling the workings of society that can fall in to chaos. Justice is a word created by man for man, not for Gods or by Gods. What use is justice to a god?
Truth has no justice.
If I was in the middle of city streets, declaring the good news of never-ending purple unicorns… wait, ever mind.
Pass strait-jacket.
Then what good is truth? if justice dominates.
Justice is how we characterize a positive, to our own interests, opinion of truth that describes a perspective on reality.
So, in truth, Justice will dominates whatever matter unless God does not interefere.
god who?
Justice is just another one of those ideologies ending up in frivolous emotional erruptions when in reality, in the face of economic realities, we ought to have all been Vulcans…
Conflicts between principles of morality are inevitable.
Fairness: giving out equal shares of the national cake
Justice: giving out proportionate shares of the national cake depending on individual need
Truth: a subjective evaluation by an individual based on surrounding conditions such as what you put in the national cake in the first place. In other words, the most unreliable moral value ever existent on this earth.
judgment: judge by character then actions, if the character is good the action is good. ( aristotle )
Humeriah: bad character - > bad judgment
Truth is part of justice, Truth: A man killed a woman. Truth: killing is a criminal act. Truth: The man killed the woman even though she was not attacking him. Truth: The woman was killing another human being.
Truth: the victim of the woman was innocent of any wrong doing.
Truth: The man killed her in cold blood
These are the facts. By truth alone the man is guilty of murder and should be punished. Justice would be served. for it would be a just decision to convict him of murder based upon facts alone.
Truthful facts serve justice well, but justice is not complete with just facts. Justice must take into account reality. Was the man justified in killing the woman? Well for that you would have to look deeper into the situation and the deeper you go, facts start blurring. Sometimes you must give justice based upon conjecture, probability and emotions.
Truth is like the canvas of justice, without a canvas, justice could not paint a just picture.
Truth: No act is criminal.
Truth: Justice is man casting away responsibility from his own decisions and becoming.
Truth: Justice- the idea that reality has a purpose lurking behind human resentment.
The unification of Truth and Justice, being an attempt to unify multiplicity and to find order in chaos.
The truth is you both are criminals, and if you can persuade the community or the judge or juror it is justified. But an illusion.
Justice deems of good perusassion, hiding behind like the veil of ignorance. Rawls + Dworkins + Gorgias
Life is but an argument, said Gorgias
Dan, Justice ideally is done to prevent injustice. But Justice is a perception. As is injustice. Truth can taint justice or enhance it. It really depends upon how honorable the people or person is.
Justice: the ‘truth’ of the vengeful weak.
The reactive ideal of the wronged and desperate.
Man’s reprimand against chance.
The most popular concept today about justice is Rawls: Equal opportunity for everyone, and fairness in distribution. While my concept would be ignored, just as yours.
Truth, no one is justice because no one aim is justice but security. Understand.