What is the first law of Universe ?

Now it is consider that Newton / Einstein,s laws
of gravitation are the first laws of Universe.

Newton was a clever man therefore when he discovered his
" law of gravitation" he quickly understood that
soon or later the all matter in the Universe had to gather
in the " singular point".
And because this effect does not happen in the Nature,
Newton , being very religius man , thought that only God,s
power did not give the matter to gather in a " singular point".
And then atheistic time came .
They decided :
As God does not exist, so the all matter in Universe
must gather in a " singular point".

I don,t agree that Newton / Einstein,s laws
of gravitation are the first laws of Universe.
Take simple atom: proton and electron,( small distances).
Nobody interests in gravitation interaction between
proton and electron . There is not any theory about
gravitation interaction between proton and electron .
Everybody interests only in electrical ( nuclear)
interaction between them.
It means that Newton / Einstein,s laws of gravitation
are local and limited.
This law in the small ( nuclear) distance does not work.
Take Universe ( cosmic distances).
There is not theory about gravitation interaction between
galaxy A. and galaxy Z. We don,t need it.
Why? For example.
Let,s imagine of all apple- trees on our Earth
as a galaxy, and apples as stars.
Nobody will interest in the interaction between
an apple- tree in New York ( galaxy A.) and
an apple- tree (cherry-tree) in Varanasi (galaxy Z.).
It means that Newton / Einstein,s laws of gravitation
are local and limited.
This law in the big cosmic distance does not work.
Newton / Einstein,s laws of gravitation cannot be
“The first law of Universe.”

What can be the first law of Universe?
All galaxyies (gravitation fields) exist in Vacuum (T=0K)
therefore Vacuum can be “The first law of Universe.”
Then we must ask questions:
" How is it possible to break homogeneous
and symmetric Vacuum: T=0K ?”,
“How in Vacuum could gravitation fields be created?”,
“How in Vacuum can the process of star formation begin?”

If somebody doubt that from cold Vacuum T=0K
the hot stars can be created, please, remember that
The Second law of thermodynamics does not forbid this possibility.

Actually, we can fairly easily compare the interaction of a proton and electron using gravity (F = GMm/r2). It occurs, it just isn’t significant give their masses.

As for a ‘first law’ that is a little too teleological for me with respect to physics. Since we weren’t there at the big bang, it is rather tricky to discuss anything about which laws came first.

Unless there is a GUT, then I guess that would be the first law, since it would contain all other laws.

As for your idea of a vacuum, that assumes that the universe isn’t expanding . . . which current evidence would suggest is false.

Forget the fraudulent big bang. And there is no first law of the universe. There is no order of integers that apply. There was never a ‘one’.