What is the greatest religious question?

It feels good because it is theoretically most often for your benifite/gain.

Dear God,
my questions for thee and the believers:

Why do you not like it when we question you? Or perhaps never give us the answers? Wouldn’t humanity realize that questioning and begging God has always been fruitless after this many years?, or perhaps the theoretical rewards are far greater then the price?

Sad, sad sorts of men we are, and supposed to ourselves also of a devine and infinite love/salvation that we never taste but prepetually dream of?

Becuase i am not thee answer.

because the answers you search for are the one’s you ignore.

yes,they have realized but have also refused to do anything about it.

your theoretical rewards are your alone,there was never a price far greater than the ignorance of my children themselves.

sad indeed.
devinity is only for those above me.
infinite love/salvation is but a dream,you make your race look full of hate/self-destruction of course you cannot taste the truth.
a dream is just a dream my child,that is all you must know,because your in one.

I suppose ignorance is the inability to mentally deal with life?
Retards die in nature, eventually they must.

Retards die through sheer claims of “living for today” but not thinking of thier children’s first days,let alone their entire life.

Igonrance of the inability will send you into a stupid and evil death judgment,when your Human Metamorphosis square completes itself you will die with your religous lies.

to deal with life,you must think Cubic,face the words with the cubes,face the lies with the cubes,face your fears with the cubes,chase away the demons that are your indroctined lies.

Dan no.2 why don’t you give me an answer to my question? What can god do for me that I cannot do?

Man cannot explain TimeCube,because Man knows it’s Forbidden,Thus it is true.

Donnie Darko Fan,

A cube has eight corners, not four.

no that would be a cube within another cube,your suggesting a hypercube,im talking about TimeCube,you can’t proove me wrong otherwise,your room has 4 walls,your face has 4 corners,their are 4 major human races,their are 4 lifetime sin human metamorphosis,and their remians 2 sex pole hemispeheres.

I like that answer a cube has 8 corners.
A square has 4 corners.
3-d dimension vs 2-dimension.