What is the opposite of the universe?

Someone who knows much about the universe can only answer this question.

Since it is the universe (uni meaning one) I would think the opposite would be the multiverse.

Old Phil,

In a sense that’s like saying the opposite of 1 is 2 or 1^d. Some would claim it’s 0.

In that sense I offer:

The opposite of the universe is perspective.

which one? lol

or un meaning not, so opposite would be an iverse, this word does exist

Re/verse is backwards

Verse is writing which uses meter as its primary organizational mode

You know, I think the english language needs some updating and streamlining =D>

One that is put together, uniformly.

As soon as I make another universe I will let you know…

Eyy, did you here about the existance of dark matter. Yeah suposdely it has been observered. check this out!

cnn.com/2006/TECH/space/08/2 … index.html

ohh and this ones cool too

cnn.com/2006/TECH/space/08/2 … index.html

cnn is my favorite, next to the Guradian of course.


You know, he more I think about it, the more I think i want to change my answer to -46

The universe is compression vs expansion. We are in the middle, in a state of dissipation. There is no opposite as it is perpetual.

Let me add that what you may be looking for is the answer of singularity.

Since the universe is taken to mean “everything” the opposite of the universe could only be the sound of one hand clapping.

Or singularity. But the definition of the universe in not everything. The definition of the universe is reality. A dimension.

What is there other than the universe?

Outside the universe doesn’t exist. It is an infinite ‘sphere’ with an infinitesimal ‘core’. Between this is our motion, or dimensions.

I think my everything is your dimension although I’m not sure why referring to it as a “dimension” increases our understanding or why it is worth trifling over?

I’m just adding specifics. :slight_smile: