If you mean going to hell, then no. But if you mean reaping a bitter outcome from your selfish acts then yes. You don’t have to operate perfectly in Love, I don’t know of anyone that ever has, but you do need to acknowledge and accept the Truth, and the Truth isn’t pretty when you look in the mirror. If you don’t accept the truth and submit to it then you will not be worth anyone’s time or trouble to be around as you will always operate from a selfish agenda which hurts others, this will get you separated here on earth and in the afterlife. The former I can prove, the later you’ll have to take my word for or see for your self, but then again it will be too late.
Hmm… I think it’s the Trinity, and everything it produces and stands for. It’s God the father, son, and holy spirit. “Let us go down and confuse their language” so on.
If anyone will ever take the time to listen to Christian philosophers and understand it’s vast complexity, maybe then you can too find truth, otherwise don’t waste your time fighting it just because a man exist named Richard Dawkins.
Christianity, look at other religions, and then say, Christianity, well… it seems the most reasonable, reliable, and believable, and I’m willing to discuss that.
There are no synonyms for Christianity, not in the English language anyway.
In fact the only religious names for which there are synonyms are Islam (Mohammedanism) and the Latter Day Saint movement (Mormonism).
I’m kind of guessing that a synonym isn’t really what you’re looking for, though. Perhaps you could clarify.
The former I agree with but not for the same latter reasons. You appear to use a fear of being seperated from God/humans as a reason to submit to a truth which you admit is not pretty and through which you would have to suppress lusting for other women. As an athiest, I would not operate on a selfish agenda merely because I genuinely don’t want to hurt others. As for your last comment, that sounded like an arrogant threat and I don’t know why you made it, I think it selfish that you would be glad to see any reasonably good human being suffer in hell for eternity.
Kingdaddy like to do that. It’s who he is.
The former I agree with but not for the same latter reasons. You appear to use a fear of being seperated from God/humans as a reason to submit to a truth which you admit is not pretty and through which you would have to suppress lusting for other women. As an athiest, I would not operate on a selfish agenda merely because I genuinely don’t want to hurt others. As for your last comment, that sounded like an arrogant threat and I don’t know why you made it, I think it selfish that you would be glad to see any reasonably good human being suffer in hell for eternity.
How can you not be separated if you continually step on others to serve your desires, it happens here on earth, which part don’t you believe? Realize that most people in prison don’t think they deserve to be, they think their all innocent.
The reason Truth is not so pretty is that you will find out what a beast you are if you look deeply into yourself, we all are. That’s why we must be humble before this Truth, if we don’t then obviously we don’t believe it. If you cannot serve, you cannot be exalted or revered or abide with the maker and author of Love and Life, it’s that simple. No one is cast into hell, all choose to go there because they want to make there own truth and be God by serving themselves and that is what they get, themselves and nothing else, seems fair to me. Hell is not a place of burning flesh or torture, its much worse in that there is nothing but you all alone without hope (no flesh to burn), dark and empty just like the souls that inhabit it.
. The first service you must do is to accept and obey the Truth and not fight it anymore, you must be completely abase, say uncle if you will. You may not think you want to hurt others but if your self is so important then you have no choice but to hurt others and wouldn’t see it anyway. Even if it is unknowingly there is no excuse as this Truth that I speak of that shows you who you really are will change you to see the hurt you cause others. To deny it is to say that your truth is greater and you are God. The last part was a simple statement of truth as I know it, not a thereat. BTW, how can I threaten you, what power do I have over you?
I know that the human animal is inherently selfish yes, that’s basically what you mean by the Truth but when I search deep within my self I find that I don’t want to hurt others because that’s not how I want to see others treated like or be treated like, but my darkest desires are exposed whenever I see someone else being violent to others for no apparent reason. Although I’m an athiest I do believe in an eye for an eye.
Because I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve had no choice but to hurt others intentionally, and I hope you haven’t either, I can’t really comment on that undesirable situation, the only thing I can say is that just because you do it doesn’t mean you wanted to, people do regret their selfish actions. I don’t see how I’ve ever tried to play God since I don’t have my own fixed set of values. If you know for certain what hell is why don’t other Christians agree with you, why do they believe in the chambers of torture and what on earth does not believing in God have to do with going to hell because the only reason you give for people being seperated from God is for denying the truth that they’re beasts so to speak. The last part of your other post where you said it will already be too late sounds like you know that I myself am going to hell regardless of what I do and you confirm that as a statement of truth, I don’t know how you know that unless you are yourself God and threat was the wrong word maybe, since you hold no power over me unless your God was to suddenly appear in my room one day. [/i]