What is the worst way to die?

Everyone has their own fears of death or the way they might die. Try to keep your ‘death’ to limitations please, not some really random unlikely event.

Do you fear dying at sea, air, marooned on a land? Loss of everything you have worked for, money/possessions? The loss to never see a loved one again? There are many more but what factors do you think affects you the most?

Well, i think my worst death would have to have a setting. So lets start off with the setting.

I’m walking home late at night after a long bad day at the office, bored out of my mind by looking at a computer screen all day flickering and growling inside it’s little box as it processes items, the street smells, it is dirty, run-down and basically a place of pure poverty. My ear twitches as i hear a slight rustle of leaves behind me, i turn around and sure enough, there is a mugger.

I turn to face him. He quickly pulls out a gun and i hesitate to do anything. He puts it to my face and asks that i give him my wallet. I do so without question. He then comes back with a witty remark “Cheers big ears” or something the like and then pulls the trigger.

Life slows down and your life flashes before your eyes, and yet the only aspect of your life you can think about is, i typed this in a fucking forum. “Did i tempt fate?”

The bullet slowly encapsulates itself into you face, by this time, totally unaware of any pain because of the fortunate lack of human nerve efficiency resulting in needing more time than the bullet. Guess that is a fortunate fact of human biology. Since my wallet has been taken and all ID, i would be unrecognisable. Thus, what was my existence. Now that is what would be the worst death in my opinion. You fall into a puddle drenching yourself and the bits of gravel and dust laying on the street with shards of glass from broken bottles stick to your body and face. You end your life with nothing because you can no longer think, remember… you are in a comber state that will never wake up. Your own existence ended pathetically without anyone caring except for the morality of your death all because of an ID that human society put on you.

That in my opinion is the worst death.


or this


The worst way to die is to die in fear, having lived in fear.

drowning and/or suffocating in any way.

Being skinnned alive right down to the outer tips of your nerve endings, and being thrown into a electricly charged pit of salt and lemon juice while simultaneously having a thermometer shattered in your urethra, and hemroids flopping around outside your ass and syringes sucking the fluids from your eye balls . That would be the worst possible way to die. I think just the shock from all the pain would kill you.

Damn, ACB! What a wild imagination you’ve got there! I don’t think I can think of much else to add to that… Maybe being forced to watch the Disney channel all the while? :evilfun:


i-zachariah, I do like you, you are a funny one, man.

Euggh, that could be pretty bad but it could only get worse…

Watch repeated episode of Thomas the Tank Engine. Just think of that music going through your head. Oh wait…

Watch that episode all your life. And being force fed so you do not die until your last breath of old age. Now that is pretty bad.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not the Disney channel! It then becomes an intellectual catastrophe at that point!

Anyone here ever watch Troma movies? There’s some funny shit in those movies. Anyone who is interested in them I suggest checking out either Terror Firmer, or Toxic Avenger: Citizen Toxie. If your into cheesy horror effects with such scenes as a morbidly obese guy being eaten by an escalator, or a pack of old ladies being ran over by an eighteen wheeler, then you’ll like Troma. If any of you live in the UK, you’re probably already familiar with “Troma’s Edge T.V.”

next to this:
hermes the thrice great wrote:

I’d have to say dying of hunger. I don’t even know if “painful” is the appropriate term to describe this experience.

Being eaten alive by hungry ILP members deep in the Andes mountains…

I think that the best way to die would be, having peace in your heart. And since peace is there mainly because of who and what you are essentially, so if you are good and responsible generally then no matter who does what to you, you will still have peace in your heart. Therefore you can always die a peaceful death. Since I believe that dying a peaceful death is the best therefore dying an un-peaceful death in my eyes would be the worst kind of death.

Why die in peace when u wont remember it? you’ll only remember it for the time that your concious, as you slip out of conciousnous, all else is forgotten.

Being beaten to death slowly with a rubber bat.

I think psychological torture while dying would be more horrible than physical pain… your mind can escape physical pain (I have given birth w/o meds – I know from experience), but you can’t escape your mind (you=mind).

I think the worst way to die would be to be viciously raped (see the movie “Monster”?) in front of my helpless children, who are crying and terrified for me and for themselves, and to see just before I die that the same is starting to happen to them, and there’s nothing I can do to help them.

Next in line would be to die in a horrible, mangling car accident, telling my boys to get away from the car before it explodes, but instead they cling to me and try to get me out of the car while it bursts into flames, and I and they slowly burn to death… Or, if they do get away from the car, all the images flashing through my head of what their life will be like w/o a mom to give them and their dad lots of hugs and kisses…

Or to lose control of the car and drive off a cliff into a lake, and we all watch eachother drown together…

But, hopefully I’ll die in my sleep after a long, happy life, having a really good dream, absolutely unaware that my life is about to end, while my children are happy in whatever they end up doing in life. That would be wonderful.

This is a horrible thread. I have a question to add to it.

Who do you want to be with when you die – what would you want to make sure they know before you die? I would want to be with my boys, and make sure they know that whenever they miss me, they can just think of me in their mind and I will be there, loving them in their thoughts… even if they get in trouble or have nobody to hug and kiss them. I would want them to know that it’s okay to cry and miss me, but it would make me so happy if they would just have fun and live life for me since I can’t live anymore.

Obviously I would prefer to be there the entire time they are growing up, to be there for all the milestones, until they are established and completely independent and have found someone else to give them hugs and kisses.

I have no clue what the worst way to die is but I know what the best way is alledeged to be. One of my professors at school told me that the best way to die is of a certain type of brain tumor. That is the best way because once that tumor reaches a certain stage what it will do is damage the portion of your brain which deals with pain and pleasure reception. In order words you won’t be able to feel anything anywhere on your body. Considering the fact that you are going to die, this would be the least painful way to die or at least so I heard… No feeling of pain whatsoever


“Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

(By the way, may I e-mail you about the college you’re at? I’m seeking a haven of neo-Scholasticism.)

my real name

I feel one the worst way to die is to be injected with poison, which will allow you one week to live before you sucumb to the toxin. Each day, hour, minute and second will feel like an eternity. What would be worse is there is no cure for the poison.

Still the benefits of such a death would be to allow the person to value life more. Hence finding out about the things they miss will before they go. Everything, well most things in life could effect this person at a deeper level than before.

Question haha…
Is there something wrong with dying?
why put so much emphasis on death?,

To live or die, would it matter?
like someone said, to fall out of consciousness,
you will forget everything anyways,
so why be afraid of dying horribly?
For at the moment, it will be a vision of hell, but after that,
hell doesn’t exist, neither does pain or that feeling of uselessness or shame or etc people feel when they die or are… Forced to die… if that makes sence lol,

If you never wake up, does that mean life doesn’t exist?
Because you don’t know its there, it Isn’t there then,

Im new here… but philosophy intrests me, so if what im saying doesn’t make any sence at all… or im getting off topic…
please teach me haha,

the worst way for me to die… is probably not dying, but more like… to be forgotten after, like i said, if you don’t know its there, it probably doesn’t exist then, i don’t want to Not exist, or I don’t want my memory to die.

im not afriad of physical pain, its more the “feeling” im going through at the moment.
If i was laughing at gunpoint, i wouldn’t mind dying i think,
If my friends were in trouble, i would be in more pain.

oh and
Chainsaw massacre style dying sucks too by the way,

Nothing is wrong with death.It is the people who death touch and leave behind like family memebers say your newborn baby dies in the night for some inexplicable reason living the parents ever wondering “could we have done something?”.Or you let one of your party guests drive home because they said they were alright and the next day you see on the news their mangled car crashed into a massive tree trunk. Or your 80 year old grandfather is murdered by some punk ass bitch because the bitch wouldnt stop at the red light.Just think someone that old ready to die gracefully the chance for everyone to shed tears that will be able to be dried and move on with their lives knowing he went in peace. Imagine the chance to be ok with death. Ripped away from you like all our little insignificant lives one day will be too.