its a Streets song, and i dont know what it means. anyone from england know?
er… no, how is it used in a sentance ?
I am not a brit, but I believe it is the opposite of “pranging in”.
Hope that helps.
well whut the?
i just searched ‘philosophy chat rooms’ to try and get some advise on a good introduction book for some ethics reading. and here i find some americans discussing pranging out. because they’ve been listening to the streets. very strange world sometimes.
pranging out is to be in a state of dissaray or distress. ‘i saw two huge guys walking towards me and started pranging’. ‘for a little while i thought my girlfriend was cheating on me but i was probably just being a bit prang’.
you could say that anyone who is pranging is mos def not koch - but thats another story…
hope that helped.
Then I was right!
thank you
I’ve never heard of “pranging out”…
Nearest is the well-known term “prang” and “pranged” meaning an aircraft crash, used mostly by fighter pilots in WW2, eg -
“I say you chaps! Poor old Charlies had a prang! He came in too low, too slow and pranged in a farmyard just before the start of the runway. He’s all right though, ricked his neck but he’ll be up again having a crack at Jerry in no time!”