What is truth?

the maximum of truth you can be is of you rejecting the lies from a far sense to be only in truth this is to believe what you still cannot see to be in knowing that it is your sense the only sense to be, what i want to say Dan is that if belief in your feelings is for you a cup of salt truth would be the most refine salt in absolute values, so what you see as limits to the truth would reveal being the most faithful of the truth to be

The truth is not refined, split, filtered or cut.
Belief is.
Belief is not truth.
To believe in truth is to destroy truth.

To believe is to submit to, and to offer one’s self to.
The self does not exist, it is a random, temporary, changing thing.

As I’ve said in my recent prayer to all of the gods in all of the worlds:

"Do not predict the future. Do not destroy my enemies. Do not give me truth.

Give me eternal life."

The gods can destroy, but can they build?
The gods can talk, but can they act!?


To take the truth is to loose the truth.

When a man eats a plant, once he has made use of it, it becomes shit.

Once a man’s mind as digested the truth, he speeks, and he fills the air with shit. He breaths out, and inslaves himself to opinion. He talks without anything to show for it other then a corpse after a few years.

Do not give me truth.

but honey you are not aware of one thing here you doing they only thing you ever done baby, no matter what you think you are making the truth, what is better for you is to see it of yourself hating that of not being able to get what you want to see yourself done, or to accept it every moments of your happenings and think over how that will give you the real thing you want to be, nobody is forcing you to receive the truth you are doing only the truth without been conscious of it, truth is never shit but what make you alive the next second of your life, what will remain after your body would die become shit itself, truth is your reality of ternal life sense being aware of it could only make it stronger in your bones of shit, you see the truth you are saying here you are not aware of completely, of your fearing to suffer the truth in justifying your willing to not know you are giving the truth of your denial will, what is missing is a higher perspective of what truth is and this is planed on times, yes you are right the truth is not your gift but what you are, so if you want to be you have to go deeper in what you feel being to get to a sense of being more real of truth you appear, yes you are right nobody could be God, this is how you have to say to be in what you want to justify, it is all matter of consciousness nothing else, your choice is not in ability to reject the truth, your choice is in loving what you are forced to do, this is your choice Dan, yes you are right truth is not the goal, but the way to receive God love in yourself, He has his ways, love me He says by loving the truth i am forcing you to watch and to be, i will surprise you of it goal, learn to not predict yourself Dan the outcome of what is, maybe He is changing you in a way that He would force you to reach your deepest sense of being, that you will finally see out of the fake reflections you insist on doing knowing that nothing of the illusion you make is real, He is all, i understand he cannot love us as we are, i understand His love must be real, i understand He wants to feel your will of love as your sense to be, i understand the journey He is forcing you to it, see yourself and choose the best of your condition to do, the surprises will be you are changing maybe of what He is change, maybe the outcome will be that Dan will give to himself the truth of God love in himself

"If the universe has existed for billions of years, and you rise then fall for a few years, it is as good as you not existing at all, thus your existence was not “true”, it was a flash of temporary illusion. "

If the universe exists now, does it matter, insofar as its current existence, if it existed some time ago?

If the universe existed for over a long period, then necessarily it existed over many short time intervals in that period. Thus, if a person happened to be living in one of those short time intervals, he existed. If he did not exist, then that time period did not exist, and hence we arrive at paradox, since the universe existed.

truth, like all abstractions, is an illusion. It is a creation of the mind that functions to cement our beliefs, because our beliefs are, after all, subjective. Where beliefs cannot be verified, truth is created to try to fill that void. Likewise, time periods really exist only insofar as they provide a frame through which we veryify our existence and our mode of life.

Suppose truth is not a thought, and hence not an abstraction, then how can it be an illusion? Please explain this.

“Suppose truth is not a thought, and hence not an abstraction, then how can it be an illusion? Please explain this.”

My argument precisely assumes the opposite, as you know. I would have you answer your own questions, and construct your own arguments based on them, then post it, and I will do my best to respond to it.

I hope I don’t sound smug on this post… I just can’t seem to find a different way to say it. If I do, know that I do not intend such.

Suppose truth was a thought, or an infinite or finite collections of thoughts.

(1) If someone were to know the truth, then assuming that language can express thoughts well enough, that person would be able to transfer this highest knowledge onto others. This has not occured in our history, as far as I know; there were many failed attempts.

(2) Since the truth should answer the fundamental question of why we exist, it should possess a kind of awareness of thought, since thinking is the prime action of our existence. However, if A is a kind of B, then can A fully be aware of B? This leads to a bizarre conclusion that if truth is aware of thought, then it must be thought itself, but would we consider thought to be truth?

(3) If truth is a kind of thought then there can exist nothing but thought, since everything without thought is untouched by the truth, and therefore has no reason for existing.

Any refutations or agreements or whatever will be appreciated.

(3) If truth is a kind of thought then there can exist nothing but thought, since everything without thought is untouched by the truth, and therefore has no reason for existing.

We are in agreement Valdas. Your statements in number 3 i think establish that truth is really just an illusion; it exists only in our mind to lend authority to our beliefs, which again are really only a mixture of thoughts and feelings.

For example, Trevor posted earlier:

I am alive (this is true)
I am a man (this is true)

These statements are only true to the extent that some scientist (or whomever you choose to insert here) many years ago defined alive to consist of certain qualities; likewise defined a man to have certain qualities; we accept them as true because thats is what was presented to us; without that knowledge our belief about whether we are alive or man or woman is totally shattered. Thus, truth is a construct of the mind (a thought or abstraction) that gives authority to our beliefs.

I will suppose that truth is an illusion, since it seems very plausible to me. Now, I am sure you will agree that every other thought is therefore some kind of illusion; if there was a thought that was not “illusory”, then it would be maybe a kind of truth. But, what are we talking about when we say illusion? Does it necessarily insist an existence of a reality that is real, so that we are seeing, not the real reality, but an illusion of it formulated in thoughts - which lend to beliefs? If this is true, then it begs the question whether or not, somehow, we can “see” this real reality.

Mistake me if I am wrong, but by saying that truth is an illusion, do you mean everything that is or is not is an illusion, or that we are just living in an illusion, but there actually is a real reality.

Haha, I love this stuff.

Is there a reality in which we really experience phenomena? yes, but as for what qualities it exhibits or contains I could not know; primarily because everyone experiences reality in different ways, since we are all unique individuals (we do, after all, have different thoughts, dreams, aspirations, etc. that shape our view of reality).

I will post more on this tomorrow, have to get some much needed sleep.


you think means you are to think, therefore truth is you, how you are, what are you, what for, saying you think out the truth is untrue, because the fact that you think means you exist, je pense donc je suis, so the activity of thinking rely mostly on the truth of your existance, than you cannot think if you are not, but you are even if you dont think, than you are the proof of reality of truth while your thoughts could be nonsense, than you must think right to get to the truth of you, than you must think you invest all your ability to see yourself in truth, animals are but they dont have the ability to watch their being, so being is your feelings and thinking in an extraordinary element related to the nature of superior being, scientifically it is prooven to be in genes for men, monkeys can make certain associations beyound themselves, humans much more, than this element is relative, than intelligence is not IQ tests, but your ability to think beyound yourself, your ability to see yourself and beyound, if you are than what you feel being is too, how far can you see it regardless of seeing yourself, how far can you think why do you think regardless of what you feel like thinking, i think that thinking is related to our needs of being much more than you could think, that is why all intelligent thoughts were always trying to reach a perspective of who we are, but if you are why do you need to think that? you can say seeing yourself made you realize you want another reality to feel being in, you can say seeing yourself made you see the urge to understand what you are how silly you look of being without knowing why, your frustrations of not having the choice of your doing feelings not being the master of yourself how culd you be than any master of other being or the nature beyound, this shows how this element is extraordinary he can get to be beyound you while his source is your nature of being, than you think it must be related to a superior being element, as your condition of being is made by him, of course it is a guessing stuff, but it does make sense especially when in judging the scenes you got particular informations that you dont expect, it appears more clearly to you that all is made for a purpose, to convince your mind, ability to think outside yourself, to convince your soul is what you feel are, to love feeling being in a reality that the mind creates or saw of thoughts showing values as the sense to be according to the higher being who is clear on that and of being at least of the upper beings who make this theater and scenes, you would see other sees that but choose to think something else, as convincing your soul to be in sophisticated ways of cheating, so there is obvious sense for all, use the thoughts to be more, thoughts allow to feel more alive, but it seems that this can fuction only towards two places, heaven and hell mostly, either you choose of being alive more the sense of the superior maker which means his values, either you decided to play it smart in getting your feeling of being alive more in what hates this sense, either you are a real allie of the sense, either you say your desire to see it dead, what make love or hate the sense? the answer is in you, why would someone aware that he must know would love what he wll learn as knowledge to feel being, and another would decide to know just to be better in the opposite, two directions minus and plus again, any ideas??

the truth is you so the answer is you, your thinking process you use it to serve you to be you the more you can, believes intentions are all about making real the most of who you feel are, although thinking of you may reach to see outside of you it will always do that to help you of what you feel are and want to see yourself inn,

the negative being, he is focusing on the same one goal, for him being more signify quatity plus of what he feels enjoying, quantity means he wants to expand, like exponentiel this is his dream, if he like a shoe heis dream will be thousand of them, myltiply the pleasure is being more to him, he will his nature tool of thinking to help him getting there, go and watch how we can make it real and show me i would pretend i would be patient as you will show me the plan, it is hitler saying to the crowd his views of prosperity to them all especially to the one in needs, his mind showed him to lie than these people would allow him to multiply his pleasure of feeling being everywhere the one who get at first all what he could enjoy of what he can in his condition of a man, than the negative being cannot desire another being to feel existant, the ideal for him is to them all shut up and allow him to speak and be alone, but he knows some pleasures with others this is what if they accept to be only that he would consider them very little, it is the idea of prostitution, i give you money so you can go and buy some food but you shut up and you be my pleasure, but soon you may discover how sick they are of not being, being in multiplied pleasures they enjoyed is not what they feel like doing the most, they like more the absurdity of chasing beings who are refusing to be their slaves, they enjoy the most the relation with others on hate, they want to kill theses beings but not to put them out of their scenes they would torture them dreaming of sophisticated ways to do it, instead of being in a reality where they can have whatever they desire, why? having what they want made them to feel what they are the most next to their more intimate desire, they are not but a subject abused by an extraordinary force that their thoughts saw each time they seek in outside to be more, this force humilating them of treating them as beasts not capable to be else, threatening them of being because of her to be its pleasure, that is why they cannot consider another existance out of their pleasure, because their view of another is always from this ultrasubmissive relation they know, if you talk to them of the truth in communication learning process, it is like you are from mars, they dont have any sense of that, that is the proof that you are it all from the start it is only a matter of opening your eyes to know what it is in real and recognize it of your God to be, so they can be suicidal to be in power all they are of all what they know to be, the force didnt made them of anything else of her, but here i think is the repentance of the force, it appears to me like she is saying i am not as superior as i thought, if God had seen before making these beasts that they are of Him even if He is hiding to them what he is the most the key of being, they still are and of Him, so they will chase Him, because the nature of God is always to see Himself even if it is on different levels of depth but they will see Him abusing and will to be of what he made them to free their souls and be in real as Him, i think God repent in deeper than that, this allowed Him to see how their desires are of Him and how bad he was, even if he was justifying this by keeping forhimself the most precious he is and limiting them to a distance of conscience He thought being safe of, He deserve that of sickness He allow to not cure and let it agress his soul, betreat Him of weakness he allowed to consider of God, God must be only values because God most is to see all to be and create always beyound this is the most feelings of God in loving being

seeing what he value the most in himself of what he betrayed himself, forced Him to say the truth therefore to give the truth of consideration being in God to any man would choose values as He

seeing what he value the most in himself of what he betrayed himself, forced Him to say the truth therefore to give the truth of consideration being in God to any man would choose values as He and making good use of thinking the truth beyound your realities of being for the pleasure you could reach in you to be beyound

to value of yourself your love of valuable beings is to appear in that love of all you are inn especially when it is your pleasure that you are feeling of, as pleasure say the most what you fancy to love

being in values is more of God than being in the truth, values are the source of a dynamic force to be always beyound as a reality of truth can put you down all of you to the worst nightmare reality, that is how God is saying see the reality of darkness and choose to remain beyound, dont accomodate yourself inn and think values to love even if they dont give you any reality of making even if you would get only pain of what you hate the most being unable to move choose the reality of being you values accept the void around you stay in values you love, that is how you could become pur plus, than a reality of only plus will join, plus plus

By God, your reply is so complex for no apparent reason, since the entire grammatical structure is flawed; there is something called a period. I am not going to continue this discussion this way any longer, since you are obviously not interested in philosophical and rational argument.
