What is virtue?

stamps foot!


Virtue can be seen as either something that’s internally constructed by a guy like zarathustra, or completely external and something we should strive for like aristotle might say. It’s basically just a set of principles that you base actions off of. Alasdair Macintyre wrote a great book called “after virtue”. You should check it out.

childish [-X

haha jk…

its… ‘‘reeeelatiiiiveeee’’ :astonished:

Among other things… its a word

Perhaps Virtue can be best articulated by action(or lack of). If there is any one thing of utility from philosophy I want, it is virtue.

He/she who commands this owns freedom in so much a way as that is possible. That’s what I believe anyway.

I don’t know why you say Aristotle’s notion of virtue is external, when a virtue is a good quality of a person, and that’s internal.

Virtue is best epitomised by three groups/individuals:

  1. The Machiavellian principle, virtu`: the “material” exemplified by “men of action”.

  2. The Greek arete.

  3. The Japanese Feudal bushido.

All hominid reflections of the greater Universal principle.

Questions Mastriati:

Can “men of action” and “bushido” be followed by common men as “arete” can?

Are there other hominids (Lucy?) that exercise virtue?

What do you see as the “greater Universal principle”? Tao?

Virtue is kissing the ass of someone elses idealism.

Forgive my understanding of nobility and honor may be different from others here. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like to play with my virtue. It’s my favourite little friend.

Because if virtue is objective, like I think Aristotle thinks it is, then according to his metaphysics, as a universal it should be be external to the object. (the person).

Also, is anyone here familiar with Alasdiar Macintyre? There’s a good book by him on virtue ethics called “After Virtue”. CHECK IT OUT YO!!!