What is " W R O N G " ?

Okay, I didn’t get that. That should’ve been your original post. You’re just saying wrong is relative to the individual. What may be wrong for one is not wrong for another. Well, sure, I agree, but I don’t follow everything IS. What does that mean?

“wrong” is the result of restriction and limits. there is no right without a wrong…

Everything just IS, regardless of what people feel about IT. That is truth.
everything that You and Me can agree upon, regarding One specific situation.
A Big Picture.
9/11, we both know people lost their lives, that is the truth, because
there will be new buildings, there will be new lives, but those that are lost,
are gone, and that Is the truth I’m talking about, truth that counts.

Why exactly they lost their Lives is another aspect, and the Only truth
about that, known to You and Me, is their choice to be there when Situation have happened.
Everything else about that situation is human emotion cuased by that
situation, which is also truth, we both know.
Some people felt this way, others felt that way. The truth Is, something was felt, and people keep feeling It.

Restriction and limits are part of Nature Laws, that gave birth to Human Nature, which gave birth to Human Laws.
Nature is balancing Itself, nothing alters the Nature.
Everything just IS. Right or wrong are Human concepts. So Is chaos.
Now tell me are Humans above Nature ?
There is no right without wrong ? I do not understand that reasoning.
If I say everything in my Life Is right, you’ll try to prove me being wrong ?
Or if you say, your life is full of wrong things, do you thing I can make you feel better, by telling you, you are wrong ?
Are Gay’s right or wrong ? Or they’re just Gay ?

So If I love and respect all people I am crazy ? Wow
No there is no hyperbole.
I love you and respect you, everytime I exchange my thoughts with you.
That alone qualifies me as crazy person, because that’s how yoo feel ?
Is every person that is different than you crazy, or Is It just me ?
This Is not personal feelings Topic, it is about One truth that applies to everyone equaly. And there is no other.

much love


Re-read what I really said, and try again if you want me to respond.

In nature´s laws, there is no such thing as right and wrong…they are rules that promote one form of living. These laws apply to animals (and are encoded in their genes), and if the animals do not act naturally, then they are unnatural.

Right or wrong is a human concept…so are restrictions and limitations, which is exactly why I put them together. IF everything is right, then humans wouldn´t have created wrong. but since the begining of humankind, we have seperated from things/people that we disagreed with, disliked, unaccepted, and so on…This led to resctriction and limitation, where we begin to generalize and restrict and limit interaction with the type of person/group/characteristic that we seperate from…From these “specific” and personal restrictions, we begin to outline our own interpretation of what is right and wrong. Everything in life is not right, because life is a shared concept that involves other lives and not just yours, and within it, there are individuals who are cultury/personally/… restricted, thus giving them a set of “right and wrong” guidelines.

Homosexualism has nothing to do with right and wrong. It´s still a theory, an unconsolidated term, that could be either a right or wrong, judging by the person/community/culture.

" If that were true, you’d be a crazy person not fit to do philosophy. I usually take people at their word, but I’m going to assume hyperbole here. "

Either I am a pathological Liar, or, I am a crazy person.
And you politely asking me to choose One.
I also do not have nothing better to do, but to play games, only with you,
because no one else have managed to notice that.

" No. I’m saying that if you ask for ‘proof’, then you’re implying that believing without proof is wrong. "

Is there any Religion outhere that Believes in something already
prooven ?
Where did I say anything Is wrong ?

I never wanted anyone to do anything, I’ve started topic " there is nothing
wrong ", some people wanted to participate, and I’m grateful.

And really wasn’t hoping to turn that, into discussion about who I am.

Because that Is something nobody will ever know, Including myself, who know exactly what I am Not.

“Wrong” is that which is a violation of our human rights.

There is really no religious link to it.

Our foundational right to life, our secondary right to security of person, and our tertiary right to freedom of action, all linked, comprise our human rights.

All specific instances of these are what is “right”.

Violations of those rights is what is “wrong”.

all right and wrong within the appropriate context orients thusly.

Arguably, to know what is wrong, you must first know what is right.

Nature laws do not apply to Human kind ? Are you joking ?
There is no right and wrong in Nature, besides unnatural animals.
Have you ever heard for words " Weather " " Seasons " " Earthquake "
" Flood "… ??

Humans invented Death and urge to Kill ?

It has everything to do with Right, because It Is their right to be what
they are, Gay.
A theory, an unconsolidated term ?
I mean, I feel you, much more than I understand how in the Hell can
sexual orientation be a theory, or term ??

Human rights violation Is extremely slippery notion, because In today’s world there are only few places where we’re able to point our finger
at " true violators "
And overall I would rather have my human rights violated by the US
preservance of " American way of life, at any cost ", than to get killed by their depleted Uranium bombs.
It is all God’s will anyway, therefore nothing Is wrong.
Are you trying to say God is wrong because the whole world do not have
American, Swedish or Norvegian standards ?
Or because Human Nature drive people to rule and opress others ?
Was nature wrong when Tsunami took out 150000 lives ?
But you are Female, gentle, emotional, and I certanly feel your angle.

much love


humans are animals…but humans are also exceptions because their ids (urges/instincts) can be overpowered by the ego and super ego.

how is wheather/season/earthquakes/floods “wrong”?

no they didn´t…nature did…survival of the fittest…but it has nothing to do with what I am trying to say. Right and wrong evolved from restrictions and limitations that were set up by human individuals/communities…what does killing have anything to do with it?

this is about “wrong” and “right”…there are theories that it is a mutation resulting from evolution, a psycological disorder, natural trait and so on…My point being, homosexualism can and cannot be judged as either right or wrong.

exactly how old are you?

Sorry Piece, you and I aren’t going to profit from this.

Correct me if I’m wrong (haha) but…

The universe always is what it is, and if it wasn’t it would not be. Everything that occurs is required in order for the universe to be what it is, so how can it be said that anything ever goes wrong?

That was exactly main reason for this topic, and It is obvious some people
do not agree with yours and mine point of view.

thanks bb


This is what I’m talking about, you trying so hard to squeeze “wrong” into
perspective, by saying " sorry ".
Considering that everything is here and now, profit is very slippery notion.
It’s all God.


No, wrong is human concept, everything is right, including restrictions and
limitations ( which are same dimension )

Old enough to know the truth, and too young to understand your point. :unamused: