what is your definition of philosphy?

and how do u use it to empower urself?

My personal definition:
Philosophy is a concise description and summary of the basic characteristics and behavior of existence.

My philosophy has empowered me to step outside of the alpha male oriented mammalian paradigm into a new way of living.


My def. would be exploring all mental programs* then optimising as you take in more knowledge and explore more possibilitys.

the exact definition of philosphy on an objective scale is escaping me.


The puzzeling thing about this link is that there doesn’t seem to be anything to buy.

Oh, the question… philosophy is a search for security (power).

Philosophy is learning to be human.

How doesn’t one us that to empower one’s self?

Yes I’m really only interested in sharing a philosophy which transformed my life
in every way imaginable to help others find joy in their experience.

Wesrtern philosophy was born as an aristocratic hobby - a luxury for people with a lot of spare time. It was asking the question: ‘what am doing here anyway?’ What a persons philosophy turns out to be depends entirely on the person who occupies himself with this question.

I’m not sure that it is very self empowering necessarily - many philosophers who’se work is interesting are quite helpless in the ‘real world’. The majority of mundane human activities are more directly self-empowering.

Judging by the presentation, I’d say sharing for profit.

I hope your not trying to deceive yourself as you do others.

Philosophy is the process by which we identify and minimise our assumptions.

For the purpose of…

Well, for some people it serves no purpose at all. For others, it satisfies one of the requirements of the Will to Power. I think better, more effectively, because I philosophise. Analogous to why I use the Kristy Brinkley/Chuck Norris exercise machine, choose a job that allows for some exercise, and walk once in a while.

You may want to minimize this assumption.

If you wouldn’t mind, what would that be?

praxis- that’s not an assumption. That’s just observed data.

As I don’t much like your tone here, that’s all your getting.

Sorry, Faust, sometimes I assume that tone in order to provoke responses from otherwise tedious inquiries. In real life I’m as warm and cuddly as a kitten, really. :slight_smile:

And every endeavor has a purpose, whether it’s realized or not.

I am sincerely curious about the requirements for WTP. Anyone else know what he’s talking about?

philosophy is self-awareness.

I think therefore I am.

philosophy means peeling back the layers of ones person to find the human part shared by all humans. By doing so you’ll know humanity. Peel back even more layers and you’ll see that part of you that is shared by all of the universe, and you’ll be able to see and understand the universe. Know thyself and you’ll know everything.

Anything that makes me a more effective agent on the planet, that accelerates my ability to pursue my chosen goals, is an aid to the WTP. More effective thinking - a greater ability to analyse and criticise a situation, even an “intellectual” situation, is a valuable tool.

When I had a desk job, I got stiff a lot - I had trouble reaching and stretching - I got occasional cramps, I’d pull an occasional muscle. I wasn’t exercising enough. I started tending bar. I moved to Maine, where I could hike more conveniently. I hiked.

I am making a very simple point. Flexibility has its advantages. I would find it tedious to spell them out.

I would find it equally tedious, on a philosophy board, in spelling out the advantages to knowing my assumptions - epistemic, moral, metaphysical - I find philosophy to be mostly eliminative - ideas are easily had - they’re all over the place. Discarding the bad ones - reconciling what’s left, so that they are consistent with each other - toward a simpler, more streamlined set of values - like organising a backpack for a trek. All this seems self-evidently advantageous to me.

I think that most people demonstrate that their moral values are internally inconsistent, for instance - many folks just don’t know what decisions are the best - even provisionally. They find inconsistencies in their moral values, and don’t really know how to procede. I have seen this cause unhappiness - within those very people who can’t sort out their own moral thinking. They flail around, and even the choices that are difficult for everyone are even more difficult for them. It causes paralysis.

Again, I feel like I’m stating the obvious here. Maybe I’m not.

That’s the spirit, Faust! :stuck_out_tongue:

The way you phrased it earlier I thought you might have a definitive hierarchical list or something.

Thanks for your thoughts. :slight_smile:

Devour it.

“Science of inquiry” serves well enough for me.

As each product of science must begin with a question, philosophy inquires upon the fundament of those questions.

Philosophy is really probably best viewed as a mundane and equally low contributor of society despite its large and uncertain ambitions.

Genetics offers prospects of one day redesigning our entire species. But a geneticist sits lonely in a lab watching a bottle spin around and around, taking another piece of data and merging it to put it back in another bottle and making it spin some more.

Philosophy offers the opportunity for one to discover the meaning of its own existence. A philosopher sits at a spread sheet or a paper and works out a reasoning, adding perhaps another paper. Complicating things perhaps even more.

The geneticist and philosopher are much the same in contributing to a large ambition and yet serving a plain and seemingly meaningless purpose.

defining philosophy is hard, even though thinking about its meaning is simple. philosophy is indulgence in thought about the most general of ideas, the ones with the most implication, the furthest reaching, the most powerful, the meta- of anything.

I do not use philosophy to empower myself. my tendencies of thinking are and have always been my own. so if anything I use myself to empower philosophy. I use philosophy in order to express myself.