What is your most recent purchase? - pics required

Even their “shitty” stuff is pretty top notch when you consider the investment.

yeah some of those are bad ass

but i got that s20 ultra now it has 12gb ram and 5 cameras and all kinds of shit ill never use

They have workmen to suit all budgets.

they really are manufacturing geniuses.

but that government assisted bs like steel dumping, that shit ain’t right.

TPP was willing rape.

Trump knows the score.

bush should have never let them back into the wto

You goan compare TPP to WTO?

You want them in WTO.

But only if it makes sense within the larger Trump plan. It’s a complete overhaul of how China is dealt with and so plenty of kicking and screaming is expected.

ah some of that trump 4d chess like all that time he bankrupted that casino because he was smart

Yeah, 4d chess exactly.

You wouldn’t know, though, because CNN hasn’t instructed you to consider it.

i legit dont have cable im like philosophically against it i had it for a year in 2013 when it was included in an apartment i rented but even then i just dont watch tv like that

Wow protectionism?

But s21 will come with all the bug fixes just sayin

Don’t be a smartass.

You can have a situation where you allow major economies to charge you up to 200% tariffs like China and Europe and then just let them import at no cost, or you can start valuing yourself and trade warring the weasels until they play fair.

Just because you are for free markets doesn’t mean you willingly become an idiot.

yeah well reciprocity is a given

But what is ‘fair’ here, numbnutts? Not you him. The very system of capitalism is competitive and you want an advantage over your competitor. The notion of ‘fairness’ here - as you consider it - is ridiculous. Fairness can only mean; everyone sould be equally unobstructed by anything in trying to establish a business, whether the owner be a person or a country. But to say ‘hey, we dont like your prices’ and that it would only be ‘fair’ if we did, is nonsense. The whole point is to crush the enemies dollar dude. There are no smithian invisible hands here wielding gavels in a world court.

Fuck you I’m going to china I hope the kung-flu kills all of you

If all people demanded gold and silver as their pay,
that would be something.
If there was a minimum interest rate for loans,
that would be something.

You see the same kind ridiculous attempt at fairness in that WW2 nato convention rule or whatever; you cant shoot a medic.

Look, I’m either trying to destroy you or I am not. I’m not here to agree on rules on how to do it. In fact, your medics are the first ones I’m gonna shoot.

Mao understood this, just like mein fuhrer.

The English invented polite war.

No prom, you’re the numbnuts. The Germans were horrified at the Gringos’ lack of war decorum. They were brutal with the slavs only because they were intimidated by them and put them on their “inferior race” list.

History in 2020 is NOT that hard to read about and learn.

This confuses you because you are a commie, so you are driven by the resentment borne idea of a kind of metaphysical fairness.

The kind of fairness Trump man seeks is because the US does have the ability to destroy all competition, like you say, but it prefers for everybody just to get rich. It’s not a metaphysical fairness, it’s a strategic one. Like I won’t destroy you, but you also can’t literally rob me. That’s fair.

“but it prefers for everybody just to get rich”

That’s just semantics. The truth is, that can’t ever happen and the system still be identifiable as ‘capitalism’. Capitalism requires exploitation. The working class cant get the full market value of their labor. That’s where the profit, the capital, evolves. Without this exchange, it couldn’t exist.