What is your Question?

Good to hear from you again TUM but… you still only get ONE question. :smiley:

So when SuperGod answers your question: Why do I exist? are you going to know what to do afterwards?

Perhaps SuperGod might say something like: To develop/recognise your SuperGod Consciousness. Then what? It seems most of the planet believe something like this yet everyone’s fighting on HOW to do it? Back to square one?

Similarly with the other questions: Who/what/where am I? That’s why I’d focus on the HOW to live… (I think???)

I would ask him to give me a method with which it is possible to achieve longest lasting and highest possible satisfaction and happiness (just general feeling good).

I think that answer to this question would necessary include also answers to these questions:

  • How to achieve immortality, because with immortality your happiness would last longer.

  • Now to achieve immortality (to avoid desturction) you have to know as much truths of the universe as possible, because these truths will be helpful in avoiding your destruction. So the included answer would also have to be how to achieve as much truths of the world as possible, and this includes answer to question how to achieve all the physical theories or any other scientific theories which have the potential to be useful to us.

What is the secret of physical immortality?

I don’t think I’d ask any question…I hate knowing things for sure. For me, what’s most fun is speculating and playing around with questions that I can’t answer. But if I had to, I think I’d want to know about life after death…or maybe, how to freeze a moment, or series of moments, in time, and live them over and over again…so no-one gets old, and no-one dies, and no-one moves away… I could live last week over and over and never get sick of it.

I don’t normally post on the psychology forum but anyway, my question to you would be; if “time” and “thyself” are psychological illusions then why are they not great aspects of psychology?


I can’t help but think asking this question would be like asking for a wish from a Djinni; careful wording is key. (Remember, semantics are everything!).

Is there a supernatural? Or, is there a higher power of some form?

Granted, if this dude was as wise as all that, he’d be it. But, I figure, that would be my only chance to get anything remotely like evidence towards the existence of a higher power. And, in the lack of such evidence, I don’t believe in one.

If it were just a man, I’d ask him if the more he knew, the sadder he became. (or, does ignorance equal bliss?)

or i guess i’d just ask how to get REAL ULTIMATE POWER