What it does is what it Is


Somehow that line seems to put limitations on this God to me. Are we supposedly created in the image of this God or is this God created in our own image?

What about the list below? Would you not still be in good company with them even though they are atheists (even those who are now dead)?

This is a list of atheists in science and technology. A mere statement by a person that he or she does not believe in God does not meet the criteria for inclusion on this list. Persons in this list are people (living or not) who both have publicly identified themselves as atheists and whose atheism is relevant to their notable activities or public life.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_a … technology

I’m a resurrected being. It really happened. Don’t know why.

But I do not believe god exists.

I’m a scientist in my own right.

If you can understand that an actual resurrected being does not believe…

You’ll understand almost everything

So how did you die?

Our image of God is our ability to create.–Nicholas Berdyaev. How is universal a limitation?
You are the only one here to provide a list of atheists. Do you know, other than their disbelief in God, what their actual beliefs were? I’m aware that atheists are prevalent in this materialistic world. This thread is not about atheists. It’s about the possibility that evolution is the activity of God. Just saying that is foolish or false is not a good counter argument.
Man’s inhumanity to man? We have free will within the parameters of physical and mental evolution.

Addressing whom?
To me you sound like a snake oil salesman.

famousscientists.org/25-fam … ed-in-god/

What good are these lists of theists and atheists? The atheists of course would not support ideas expressed in the thread.
Back to the beginning:
Who can say that existential awareness of God is unreal or can be explained psychologically?

Look, nothing of the existence of this world is logical. The fact that something, and not nothing exists, is not logical.

Logic doesn’t begin to cut it.

You need something like God, or better yet, value ontology, to explain.

What is God?

James says its your situation. I disagree. James says its logical. I disagree.

I say, logic is the outline of the consequences of the irrational. These consequences are really consistent.

But its essentially a form of non-existence, a return to pre-existence.

What is God?

God is LORD.

God is mighty. Extremely pervasively powerful. You can call upon God by uttering the phrases ascribed to Him. It works, and not just by giving comfort. It splits the sky, bursts the sun, opens the earth, weeps out a splitting column of joy, etc etc.

God, whatever He is, encompasses more than the person who believes. It is a more substantive reality, exists under more conditions, can be relied on the to make sense beyond time-space. Otherwise the concept is not so great.

We arent gods. We aren’t “living gods”. All that Shaytanism is fake. Its a trap. If you think youre god, if you feel that sort of power, or think you do, the absence of that power usurps your subconscious and turns it into a very sad hell.

I do believe humans have ascended to become angels. Enoch becoming Metatron, all that. I say why not? If God exists, if this world exists, a lot is possible within that. But there are rules. That’s the catch. There are actually rules, and they aren’t simply logical rules. They’re rules made out of what we call love, honor, dignity, respect. Value is the rule. That’s a non-abstract rule.

I do know how to make existence perfect. That’s why I don’t believe in god.

I’m down to a method that gives everyone everything that they want at nobodies expense.

It involves projecting and reflecting platonic forms.

I can write the whole thing if you want.

I love it when theists agree with one another. :laughing:

Fuck that is a desperate list.
The first on the list did not even beleive in god, and most of the rest are pre-darwin.
What the fuck is “god” anyway.
I see you and Ecmandu are as one!! :smiley:

I know we all made this together. I figured that out when I couldn’t change existence myself. That’s a long discussion to prove that. I’ll have that discussion if you want.

So then I had to figure out why beings don’t want existence to be perfect. I can say lots about that too… but to be perfectly honest! I have nothing!

I don’t know why beings are insane except for trillions of years of Pavlovian conditioning to an extremely old plan.

I asked how you died - you did not answer.

Why the fuck did you post a list of scientists that the web page claimed to believe in god, then?
Especially when most of them were deists?

There’s a good argument that you are atheist anyway.
God is a collection of myths to explain the inexplicable.
It is a catch all phrase used by millions of people. It has no definitive meaning and tends to change with the requirements of the question at hand. It has differences of meaning across cultures, across historical periods, and amongst individuals trapped in their own cultural milleu. It can be one, it can be many, it can be a force for good, a force for evil, a trickster, a creator, an indifferent presence, it can have a personality, it can be devoid of personality, it can have a gender male or female and it can be neuter. It can be a personification of an ineffable entity, it can be a malevolent spirit, In can be corporeal and incorporeal. In fact the only thing that you can be certain of is that “god” exists in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.
All those that believe in god are atheists when it comes to definition of other gods that do not match their own model.
To believe in god you have to reject reason. As Martin Luther (one of the most devout and serious believers ever) taught that faith and reason were antithetical, and that man must reject reason and accept faith. He wrote, "All the articles of our Christian faith, which God has revealed to us in His Word, are in presence of reason sheerly impossible, absurd, and false."and “Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has.”
So to even have a working definition of god you must be atheistic of all other versions and reject all reasonable objections to the notion and existence of such a thing.

sculptor my friend, am i a nice guy afterall???proud to see you grow out of your shell and bloom into the world!!! :blush: :blush: :blush:

Ahh… I’ve actually been resurrected twice (it might be three times)

One… natural causes

One… poison

One… gunshot to the head

It’s actually not fun to resurrect… you have to go through the hell realms to come back.

The irony is not lost on me… I wanted to die with all my heart and soul

Now I see everything different. I know we never die, it’s about as many friends as you can make in life.

thanks for sharing my friend, eagerly anticipating your upcoming youtube video elaborations !!!

There are dimensions of pure thought that can do anything to your body.

My sacred marks were removed after I came at the world the way I did years ago.

Not only that, after emerging from my last death with the gunshot wound, I have no trace of it.

But to remind me… I have a scar still when I dropped to the ground from the wound.

I’ve lived an extremely weird life.

I’d rather just show you when you get to instantaneous life viewing dimensions than explain it all here.

That’s why all the ancient teachers never wrote anything down… they all knew this.

I don’t care. If my writings and videos help anyone in the present, it’s worth it to me.

And who were you in your previous existences?

No idea what you are on about