what Marxism really is.....

But sweetie the point is that mercantilism is outdated and unworkable at the scale we are at in this century. It would be literally impossible for every individual to begin with a set of resources with which they can produce a marketable product, by their own labor, that generates a profit strictly their own. The vast majority of people will have unrecognized potential to develop because they will be beset by such circumstances. They therefore need a structured system to help them get situated… and in capitalism, that means becoming a wage earner… precisely what we are trying to avoid.

We cant all make a living selling ceramics we made in the backyard. That worked in 800, though.

Now, you understand the difference. The irony was that the entrepreneur was emancipating himself from the feudal rule and obligation he had. This is precisely the spirit of marxism here, only appearing in a different form.

Now again I’m showing you THE fundamental contradiction in capitalism; it cannot be realized by everyone by virtue of the fact that its functioning, at all, DEPENDS on it not becoming realized by everyone.

You cannot have democracy here. You can have lemon meringue pie though.

And stop trying to change the subject of this thread.

an engaged professor wolff in plaid. One of my favs.


I was thinking beyond that ^^^ …I did say current present climes, didn’t I?

The current discerning mindset is about sustainability, of self and society/the self within its society… though artisans do still exist.

That post was supposed to be before yours but since I’m on a phone, I spend as much time correcting typos as I do typing… which means I essentially post twice per every one post. See even this post has taken mention minutes. Me ten minutes, I meant.

I can always mention Stalin and Lenin again, but I see no point or merit in doing so… I hate going over old ground, you see.

I’m drawing a conclusion from Wolff’s summary, not arguing him on point to point, see? I ain’t in class right now, Darl…

That post too was out of kronological order. I should actually quote the person or something that I’m responding too.

Oh, it was for Phon, ok… then I retract everything I’ve just said… or should I? :evilfun:

Yes please, coz I’m arguing when I don’t have to, lol.

I’ll make my leave, I think it best… 8-[

did anyone help you?

Countless people helped me. Or even better, countless people’s contributions to the economy helped me.

were you given
“a structured system to help [you] get situated”

Here is the Communist Utopia that Prom and the Commie scum on this forum are so quickly hastening:


Imagine all the people thinking “but that can’t happen here!

That guy’s an imposter. Edward Norton wasn’t alive back then.

prom i am waiting for you
to share your experience with us
about how you were able to lift yourself and prosper
with the help of our structured system
it will be motivational and inspiring

props for linking up prof. Wolff., he is good but too critical of capitalism, though not an insane charlatan goon like Peterson is. LOL at the guy linking up Jordan Peterson…haha, typical brainwashed Yank cunt who still believes markets will fix themselves, corporations are made up of high IQ and hard working good citizens everybody should be thankful for and all socialism is bad and leads to genocides and dictatorships whilst ignoring the origins of both the World Wars, slave trade, ongoing African exploitation and so on and having nothing to say about what capitalism can lead to… I am big time into Marxism myself.

bro same

Fixed this for you

You are projecting into another, your own fantasies.

no more derailing subjects with irrelevant bullshit

Why do you want to kill jews and blacks? Is your mind bent by Nazism? Have you not overcome the past? It sounds like obsession to me.