What or Who is God?

I didn’t mean to come across that way :astonished: , but I know I have a tendency to do that sometimes, so I too am sorry :blush: . Please don’t take the things i say personally, the reason I told you that you were holding yourself higher than the rest without even knowing it is because I wanted to make you realize the error in your logic, not because I wanted to suggest that you are egotistical; that’s why I said ‘without knowing it’. Many people do what you did, even I do sometimes. It’s perfectly fine if you are uneducated in the realm of philosophy, hopefully if you spend enough time here you may leave with some kind of knowledge of philosophy :sunglasses: . If you have any questions, feel free to ask :wink: . I will try to word my arguments a little differently next time :wink: , a little more passively, for I realize how my words sound sometimes :frowning: .


Thanks Magius :slight_smile:
The reason I said what I said is that sometimes my incoherent adolescent babblings explode into a mess of ignorance and despondency. I should really stop trying to put that mess down in words… :unamused:

I agree with starchild. Man has a need to understand his environment. When he cannot, there is a natural tendency to fill his mental gaps with God. The more natural explanation we uncover for things, the further we push God aside. There is still much we don’t understand about the universe so I imagine there is still room for a concept og Gos to fill out intellectual gaps. I suspect there always will be. It seems unlikely man has the capacity to fully understand the universe.