what president Bush should have said

townhall.com/columnists/Davi … san_speech

…"Let me outline the specific ways the Democrats have been obstructing our prosecution of the war. They have not only opposed every single terrorist tracking tool I referenced before, but they have persisted in wrongfully accusing me – before the entire world community, whose favorable opinion of America they profess to value above all else – of lying about Iraqi WMD, about a relationship between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, about conducting a unilateral foreign policy and about describing Iraq as an ‘imminent threat.’ They have misled the American people into believing we ‘outsourced’ the capture of Osama to Afghan warlords, all so that we could divert our military resources toward dethroning the unthreatening, benign regime of Saddam Hussein.

"They have also been inexplicably sympathetic to murderous terrorists held in our prisons in Guantanamo Bay, fraudulently alleging that we have authorized and conducted their systematic torture. They want to provide full constitutional rights and Geneva protections to our enemies. And they have the audacity to lecture us about harming America’s image in the world, and causing Muslims to hate us and join the global jihad against us?

“I’ve tried not to respond in kind, but, folks, it is becoming increasingly difficult to prosecute this war with the barrage of self-serving distortions emanating from Democrats. So please do the responsible thing, honor the victims of September 11, help me to protect America, and throw these bums out in November.” …

the truth hurts


Or, instead of this line:

we could insert:

“So please do the responsible thing, honor the victims of September 11th, that every politician, of every party, now disgraces their deaths, by invoking their names, which hold an hallowed position within your minds, to serve their own agendas, which have nothing to do with benefiting you or your countrymen, and in November, take up the good fight and do your voting with a .308 and a night scope.”

Now that, would be a truly effective and powerful message.

Well, er, maybe a .223 for the ladies, or if you have some overpenetration issues, or ammo cost concerns.

I laughed rather hard outloud after both of these statements.

That’s the great thing about the American political system. There’s room for divergent views.

…"Let me outline the specific ways the Democrats have been obstructing our prosecution of the war. They have not only opposed every single terrorist tracking tool I referenced before, but they have persisted in wrongfully accusing me – before the entire world community, whose favorable opinion of America they profess to value above all else – of lying about Iraqi WMD, about a relationship between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, about conducting a unilateral foreign policy and about describing Iraq as an ‘imminent threat.’ They have misled the American people into believing we ‘outsourced’ the capture of Osama to Afghan warlords, all so that we could divert our military resources toward dethroning the unthreatening, benign regime of Saddam Hussein.

K: So much silliness here, I can barely outline it,
but in some modest way, I shall attempt it.

  1. WMD’S. Still don’t have them and never will. they
    don’t exist.
    2.There was no relationship between hussein and
    bin laden.
  2. we did outsource the capture to warlords.
  3. there are literately a dozen regimes that are as bad
    or worse, (in rankings done as to most oppressive
    regimes in 2000, 2001, 2002, saddam would usually finish
    from 5th worse to 15th worse. What about those regimes
    who are even more oppressive then saddam’s was? Oh
    yah right, Saudi Arabia is our friend and the others don’t
    have oil. Sooooooo…
    Now all this is an attempt to rewrite history.

IMP:"They have also been inexplicably sympathetic to murderous terrorists held in our prisons in Guantanamo Bay, fraudulently alleging that we have authorized and conducted their systematic torture. They want to provide full constitutional rights and Geneva protections to our enemies. And they have the audacity to lecture us about harming America’s image in the world, and causing Muslims to hate us and join the global jihad against us?

K: if they are murderous terrorist, then have a trial.
PROVE IT. In open court with the world watching, show us
how they are “murderous terrorist”. The U.S. can’t because
3/4 of gitmo are innocent of terrorism. I can show this because
of late the U.S. has released hundreds of people from gitmo.
You don’t release “dangerous people” from prison.

As far as torture goes you admitted you torture
when you had the army finally commit to the Geneva
convention and you are trying to pass a law in which
soldiers and others cannot be tried under international
law for torturing people retroactive to 2001. If you are so
innocent of torture then why have a law protecting soldiers
from international law?

IMP: “I’ve tried not to respond in kind, but, folks, it is becoming increasingly difficult to prosecute this war with the barrage of self-serving distortions emanating from Democrats. So please do the responsible thing, honor the victims of September 11, help me to protect America, and throw these bums out in November.” …

K: To help a president who is losing three wars at the same time?
I don’t think so. The only responsible thing is to hold the
president accountable for actions taken. You know,
if he would take “personal responsibility” for actions taken.
But too admit you are the worst president in American history
is beyond this administration because

the truth hurts


see you in november socialist.


I must admit there is a part of me that hopes the
GOP actually keeps the house and senate in 2006.
As things fall apart, it would be nice to say, "look
the GOP has had all three, house senate and
white house for 8 years and look at what has happened.

Iraq will fall further in civil war, afghanistan will be
retaken by the Taliban, and the U.S. will be hit again
by terrorists, an event I suspect that will rival
9/11. At that point the only question will be, how many
people the government will toss into concentration camps.
As we go from democracy to dictatorship, we will
miss the freedom and democracy, we once had in this

Also economist are now wondering not how far
the economy will fall in the next several months, but
how long the recession will last. But of course the village
idiot answer will be tax cuts (welfare for the rich) and
the massive deficits will grow into the hundred of trillions
of dollars, (but it really doesn’t matter because bush
has already bankrupt the country, assets and taxable
items added up does not equal the amount owned by
this country and that boys and girls is bankruptcy).

We will sink into third world country status.
From having it all to banana country in 10 years.
Yep, that is something to be proud of.

So you just go on supporting the village idiot.
And I wonder at what point will you decide he
is the worst president in U.S. history. Perhaps
in one of the concentration camps, you will be sent
to or perhaps when the country collapse in
economic chaos. I truly wish I had been born 10 years
earlier. Oh well.


nice rhetoric… can’t pose an argument so try to use fear tactics. stalin would be proud.


Fear tactics. Not at all.

Sadness maybe even depression, but not fear tactics.
I don’t see much hope these days, personally or
for the U.S… I try to stay positive, but …

I have often wonder what that person was thinking
when they chopped down the last tree on Easter island
thus dooming it. Were they thinking, “wow, we have achieve
a goal” or were they thinking “it didn’t matter anymore because
we are so fucked anyway”.

I wouldn’t be surprise if the GOP won in Nov, it will just
confirm the hopelessness of america. I have already
given consideration of moving elsewhere, maybe europe.

Maybe I can just pull a Candide and just tend to my garden and
let the world go to hell without me.

Or maybe I can just continue my path of drinking heavily
and popping as many different pills as I can get my hands on.

Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow the republic falls
and the dictatorship begins.


i dont understand why you people believe that we should allow torture or other human rights violations and then at the same time hold restraint against doing things like killing civilians and annihilating a race of people. i mean… if youre going to take away the humanity of someone why stop? clearly the mid east would be better off nuked off the face of the planet. would that not solve our problems?

youre all a bunch of softies.

cba1067950: i dont understand why you people believe that we should allow torture or other human rights violations and then at the same time hold restraint against doing things like killing civilians and annihilating a race of people. i mean… if youre going to take away the humanity of someone why stop? clearly the mid east would be better off nuked off the face of the planet. would that not solve our problems?

youre all a bunch of softies."

K: sure why not, just blow up the planet, we don’t seem to
using it intellegently anyway.


Sexist. :astonished:


The fact is, Imp., Bush’s war against terrorism has been minimal. Yes he has taken steps to make me safer, but how much safter would I be if someone else would have been in office, or if Bush would have came through on all his promises.

i didnt mean for that to be taken seriously… sorry

you should move to france, its socialst, it has no problems what’so ever.

except the massive racism against jews and the accational riot.

its the perfect place so long as you live on the top of the hill.

just like the socialist paradise you want :laughing:

Glider, you might like my “Glory of the State” thread…
Nice post.


you have got some great lyric righting skills, which i saddly lack. keep up the good work. :laughing:


War on Terror = War on Drugs

We’ve been here before…