what sort of Marxist are you?

what sort of Marxist are you anyway???

  • I ain’t no faggot assed lesbian sea gull lovin’ commie freak
  • Lefty but not a Marxist (eg social democrat) etc
  • old school Libertarian Marxist (Anton Pannekoek and Herman Gorter etc)
  • New School Autonomous Marxist (Hardt + Negri etc)
  • Maoist
  • Stalinist
  • Trotskyist of some hue or other
  • Old skool non trotskyist lennist (zizek?)
  • Messianic marxist (Walter benjamin)
  • Libertarian but not Marxist ie - anarchist
0 voters

I don’t even know why I’m posting this - weird

I don’t know anymore, Krossie. I’m thinking this revolution ain’t gonna happen, recently. I don’t see facism ever ending…and I’m not sure I mind anymore.

If I could be anything, I’d be something like a Primitivist-Anarchist/Syndicalist-Durdenist-Marxist.

This is really a fancy way of saying that I will use as an excuse the fact that politics suck and communism is the only “right” way for humanity to exist, but because it is something that will never happen, I am a transistory wanderer/rogue with a criminal streak.

See? I need communism to fail so I can have my excuse.

Is this making any sense to you, Kros?

He he - I couldn’t get enough “options” for thata one

  • I sometimes feel pretty uninspired about the whole lot and then I think
  1. We only have to make it work once
    (we’ve just being unlucky so far!)

  2. I look at the posts from some of the rightwingers on this forum and wearly rub shoulders with that rock and commence to push it uphill…again

The urge to destroy is a creative urge…