What speech is banned and not banned in the UN

Should the USA remain in the UN?

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You will love this! What is not banned and banned in the UN!

With regards,

aspacia :sunglasses:

The movie is misleading because it takes clips of people talking about violence and makes it seem as if they were promoting it, when in reality they were condemning it.

Additionally, the only inadmissible thing on the video was when a guy from an organization called UNWATCH came and insulted the UN and the human rights council.

Chuckle, no! These UN ambassadors were approving their country’s behavior. Check the record.

The UN has it coming. Their “Human Rights Council” is a fucking joke with some of the worst human right offenders sitting on it. You know, right???


From what country is the president of that council?

Before I saw the video, I was prepared to quote Kofi Annan in his farewell speech:
The UN is “the best place on Earth.”

But with jokers like those in the video in it, it’s even more important that the US keep tabs on what’s going on there
– and speak out consistently on human rights.

It’s the most universal diplomatic forum we’ve got.

But perhaps something like Amnesty International is a more effective force for political action on human rights.