What speed Internet connection do you use to browse ILP?

What speed Internet connection do you use most to browse ILP

  • <=33Kbit
  • <=56Kbit
  • <=128Kbit
  • <=256Kbit
  • <=512Kbit
  • <=1Mbit
  • <=2Mbit
  • <=T1
  • <=T3
0 voters

What speed Internet connection speed do you use most to browse ILP?

Umm… sorry, I am computer illiterate, but I use Yahoo DSL

you are probably in or far-above the 200k section, since you are using broadband. As for myself, I use good old fashion dial-up. I happen to have an exceptionaly good connection…I never get bumped-off line, I allways connect on the first attempt, and my connection seems to run fairly fast for 56k modem. :wink:

I have Rogers Cable (fiber optic cables) which is a constant connection, no dial-up, and an incredibly fast connection and download time. I download movies in minutes. :smiley:

What’s your take?

Movies in minutes eh? Maybe you have a T1 or T3.

11 Mbps…

Is that a T1?

T1 & T3 are there as a joke… Once you have more then 2Mb you can selected what you want either T1 or T3.

I thought you were jokingly reffering to “terra-byte”(sp?) (I have a few buddies that get to use some experimental fiber-optic modems at their work. They acheve speeds like 1 & 2 terrabytes per minute.). ?

:laughing: hahahahahahah. ha ha. hahhhhhh… :frowning:

I don’t get it.

Actually I’m showing my age and how behind the times I am… T1 = 1.5Mbit and T3 = 4.5Mb there a bouts. This was considered ungodly back in 2000 now T1 is almost a normal Internet connection! With Japan having 8Mbit connections for some people the virtual world is really coming a long nicely.

…but what about T2?? I don’t know about you but when Ah-nuld shot that grenade at T-1000, it was a whole 'nother ball game… :smiley:

If you want to find out your line speed, go to:


and click on “Speed Tests”

Well Pax…it looks like so far, there may be 5 for 56k, but there are over 10 for speeds above 100k…the question is: How long should this carry on before you and Ben consider the possibility of beefing ILP up?

Well so far we have received feedback from about 1% of our total membership. It might be a little while longer.

wow, I’m 1,800 kbits down/stream… I thought I was 512 and thats what I put in the poll guess I was wrong hehe…

i would like to vote, but on the bottom of my screen in the righthand corner it says i cannot. :confused:

This thing has gone on for some time now Pax…do you think it’s time we could get a graphical upgrade on this thing?

my university, the university of york, is leading a project with a company in europw and japan, aims to deliver wireless broadband at speeds of up to 120Mbits/second from aerial platforms.

The early trials of this project has been successful. I have accessed campus pcs that are 200 times as fast as a normal broadband.

where do they have a terrabyte of information so that they can transport it? 1 Tb per minute means aproximativley 171Gb per second. That is a lot of trafic. where do they get it from? or how do they calculate the speed?

Sounds like they might be apart of the Internet2 project, or CIA / NSA n0obs.