What speed Internet connection do you use most to browse ILP
- <=33Kbit
- <=56Kbit
- <=128Kbit
- <=256Kbit
- <=512Kbit
- <=1Mbit
- <=2Mbit
- <=T1
- <=T3
What speed Internet connection speed do you use most to browse ILP?
What speed Internet connection do you use most to browse ILP
What speed Internet connection speed do you use most to browse ILP?
Umm… sorry, I am computer illiterate, but I use Yahoo DSL
you are probably in or far-above the 200k section, since you are using broadband. As for myself, I use good old fashion dial-up. I happen to have an exceptionaly good connection…I never get bumped-off line, I allways connect on the first attempt, and my connection seems to run fairly fast for 56k modem.
I have Rogers Cable (fiber optic cables) which is a constant connection, no dial-up, and an incredibly fast connection and download time. I download movies in minutes.
What’s your take?
Movies in minutes eh? Maybe you have a T1 or T3.
11 Mbps…
Is that a T1?
T1 & T3 are there as a joke… Once you have more then 2Mb you can selected what you want either T1 or T3.
I thought you were jokingly reffering to “terra-byte”(sp?) (I have a few buddies that get to use some experimental fiber-optic modems at their work. They acheve speeds like 1 & 2 terrabytes per minute.). ?
hahahahahahah. ha ha. hahhhhhh…
I don’t get it.
Actually I’m showing my age and how behind the times I am… T1 = 1.5Mbit and T3 = 4.5Mb there a bouts. This was considered ungodly back in 2000 now T1 is almost a normal Internet connection! With Japan having 8Mbit connections for some people the virtual world is really coming a long nicely.
…but what about T2?? I don’t know about you but when Ah-nuld shot that grenade at T-1000, it was a whole 'nother ball game…
Well Pax…it looks like so far, there may be 5 for 56k, but there are over 10 for speeds above 100k…the question is: How long should this carry on before you and Ben consider the possibility of beefing ILP up?
Well so far we have received feedback from about 1% of our total membership. It might be a little while longer.
wow, I’m 1,800 kbits down/stream… I thought I was 512 and thats what I put in the poll guess I was wrong hehe…
i would like to vote, but on the bottom of my screen in the righthand corner it says i cannot.
This thing has gone on for some time now Pax…do you think it’s time we could get a graphical upgrade on this thing?
my university, the university of york, is leading a project with a company in europw and japan, aims to deliver wireless broadband at speeds of up to 120Mbits/second from aerial platforms.
The early trials of this project has been successful. I have accessed campus pcs that are 200 times as fast as a normal broadband.
where do they have a terrabyte of information so that they can transport it? 1 Tb per minute means aproximativley 171Gb per second. That is a lot of trafic. where do they get it from? or how do they calculate the speed?
Sounds like they might be apart of the Internet2 project, or CIA / NSA n0obs.