What Trump Voters Got Right

I had to do a lot of soul searching after the 2016 election, after discovering that most of my family voted for Trump (my sister and I being the only ones who didn’t).

No one in my family, with the exception of my sister, has a college degree. My dad didn’t even finish high school. I went to college for one semester before dropping out and entering the workforce instead. This is all to say, I by no means come from the “coastal elites.”

My family has also been one that has always been very kind, loving, and accepting. My mom raised me to never disparage others, to always make anybody feel welcome regardless of race, nationality, or creed, to be compassionate and empathetic. So it was quite a surprise to be presented with the stark contrast between how Trump supporters were being portrayed, vs. my family whom I know well and love deeply.

To keep this somewhat brief, the conclusion I’ve drawn over the past four years is that, sadly, my family and many others have been duped: yet, I think it has been a mistake to place this blame directly on the shoulders of those who have been swindled. Most, if not all of this anger, should be directed towards the swindlers. The most tragic reality of our current state is that we have in fact managed to be turned against one another, I would imagine to the delight of those who push the blame on minorities and the spectre of some undefined version of “socialism.” With the nation divided, the attention cannot be turned towards those responsible for the degradation of society that my grandfathers fought and nearly died for in WW2.

The greatest trick the devil played was making the poor believe their misfortune could be attributed to the colored man. While the ultra wealthy continue to thrive from hidden tax shelters, tax loopholes, four decades of some of the lowest marginal tax rates in U.S. history, and de-regulation, the lowest skilled and low wage workers have watched as their labor has been devalued drastically. Nobody who believes trickle-down economics is bullshit should be voting for Trump; and yet, my poor, uneducated and severely underemployed family have put their vote in exactly that (although I have spoken with some of them, who didn’t understand this connection at all).

What Trump voters understand at some level is that they’ve been fucked. I think of my parents, who have undoubtedly found it increasingly difficult to scrape by and survive, when only three decades ago we lived as a family of four on my stepdad’s single income at a low-skill employer (that was part of a union). I think of the millions who look around and don’t understand why things have changed. This is demonstrably a population of low skilled and low educated laborers. I cannot in good conscience blame them for misdiagnosing the problem, or even for not understanding the rationale behind why they are being deceived: after all, the dollars that could have gone towards improving American education and circumventing this issue in the first place instead went to the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I think of rural America that overwhelmingly voted for Trump, a population that is not incorrect to feel completely disconnected, under-represented, and excluded from the national conversation due to the greater influence/perceived needs of densely populated urban areas. Again, they are not wrong in their hunch that they’ve been neglected, and without addressing their legitimate concerns, we will not move closer to resolving this issue.

So the challenge lies before us: how can we bridge the divide between Americans that has been created by the wealthy elite, who have blamed everything but the main culprit: their siphoning of wealth from the middle class? Truly, I believe all of humanity’s conscience needs to turn towards the drastic wealth disparity that has crept up for the past four decades, and with the advent of social media and globalization, is now on display like never before. It seems perhaps like a new political party would be needed to achieve this, which seems so outlandish at this point as to be impossible. What else can we do?

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Trump actually cares about America and the commonwealth, and you have the audacity to turn on that?

Sounds like you are drinking your own MSM kool-aid.

Go look at Hunter’s laptop. Or even a brief search of how this election has been stolen. Sounds like you are demoralized by the Communist party, just like they want you to be. You should resist the programming. Your family is right.

Hello Urwrong! I would be happy to engage in conversation, so long as it is relevant to my OP. You are also free to start your own topic if you would like to discuss these other subjects you’ve introduced!

K: just about word you wrote was wrong… you are the one drinking the cool aid…
but you don’t have the intelligence or the ability to see beyond your foundational
beliefs…you belong to a cult… and dorrky does have the intelligence
and the ability to go beyond their family cult beliefs, unlike yourself…

we should always, ALWAYS applaud any attempt to grow beyond their
family beliefs… to grow their own beliefs is the highest goal of
any human being… and I applaud that…you could learn something…

and the question still arises, what is to be done?


just about word you wrote was wrong… you are the one drinking the cool aid…
but you don’t have the intelligence or the ability to see beyond your foundational
beliefs…you belong to a cult…

Even if they were actually right.

  • Especially then?

There is only one way to grow from being right.
And that is being wrong - “left” - behind.

Just cover your ears and yell, the commie way.

This is why we don’t even try serious discussion with you all anymore.

Emotional maturity is required for that.

Best we can do is point out the staggering lack of seriousness in your thought.

Like when you declare your whole family was duped, but then when someone accuses you of being brainwashed, that is somehow a radically new concept being introduced into the conversation.

Keep kicking.

Maybe I should start the MAGA party, separate from Rinos. Great idea, thanks!


Any takers on discussing the OP?

I’m sure that at this point everyone here has heard all of that before and have fallen into two camps -

Those who hate Mr Trump, the US Constitution, and the USA - the “Communists”
Those who love Mr Trump, the US Constitution, and the USA - the “Constitutionalists”

It is a war that began and ends covering the entire world. It is not about Mr Trump at all. It is a world wide war game being played out right now as we watch -

US Constitution versus world authoritarian Communism.

Obviously you have been led into the Communist camp - pick your color and flag.

u should start a thread about the emoluments clause of the constitution

You wouldn’t like what I revealed. And then you would merely continue with your distortions of narrative.

I am often tempted to encourage a dog to distinguish color but I won’t endlessly argue with him about it.

I think I should put that in my “signature”.

who hurt u

Is there any part of my OP you agree with? I would imagine you disagree with supply-side economics being the main culprit?

Let me say “almost nothing”.

And as inferred before, the whole supply-side versus demand-side economics is a divisive false dichotomy. Without demand a supply is useless. Without a supply a demand is useless.

At any one time there might be more of one than the other. When that happens, encourage the other for maximum economic growth. That seems so obvious to me. I don’t see how anyone could be confused and arguing about it.

The “culprit” is dishonesty and divisiveness in reporting to the public.

Hey obsrvr, thanks for the reply. I view the crux of the debate between supply vs. demand side economics to be essentially, which tide lifts more boats the highest? In other words, do more benefit when business/high earners pay less in taxes and invests back into the business, or when business is taxed at a higher rate and that extra revenue is distributed through government programs? Do you view the debate differently?

Yes I see it a differently.

As I stated before, which “tide lifts more boats the highest” is ALWAYS imbued in which, supply or demand, is falling behind.

Whether lower taxes on businesses increases the well being of workers or not depends on a variety of things. It depends on which type of business most of all. Some businesses make their living on the suffering of others. Some businesses do not reinvest their profits into increased employment benefit. Some businesses barely profit because of trying to grow employment too much. High taxes on the latter merely kills all employment (or more often just sends the employment over seas).

I think you have to know what kind of business and what kind of environment. Can the business merely reinvest over seas as so many of the largest businesses have? They don’t care about taxes.

Taxes are USED by the government to encourage businesses to obey government policies.

So the real issue is NOT about taxes or minimum wages. It is ALL about the hidden agenda of the policy makers.

From all that I have seen it is obvious that Mr Trump, despite anything else, actually promotes real benefit to Americans and as a default literally saves the entire world from authoritarian communism. It really doesn’t matter if this person or that person happens to get richer from the effort - that is being petty considering the consequences.

You might notice that ALL of the major billionaires and corporations hate Mr Trump. They all contribute millions to his opponents. That is because he is actually doing what the left only claims to be in favor of doing - redistributing wealth to the citizens through job opportunities, less taxes, and less government regulation. He is “populist” - favoring the population over the wealthy elite oligarchs and corporatists.

Thx for sharing that perspective obsrvr!

You touched on an interesting point here:

I think globalization has definitely led to the degradation of American living standards in this way: there was a time when manufacturing was done here, when many things had the “Made in America” sticker on them, and the higher quality of those items were reflected in the higher cost; however, once large companies interests’ were aligned with shareholders desire for profit, the obvious move was to reduce costs by any means necessary, i.e. sending manufacturing over seas where you could pay pennies on the dollar for child labor or absolute shitty factory/production standards.

In a certain sense, I think executives, large stakeholders (i.e. mutual funds), and company boards sold America’s well being and prosperity out from under the feet of its citizens to enrich themselves and a very few other major beneficiaries. What are your thoughts on that?

I couldn’t agree more.