What was the most profound thing you ever read or heard?

For me it was - “Nothing that anyone else says or does to you has anything whatsoever to do with you - it has only to do with who they are - their perceptions, their conditioning, their experiences - the way they are accustomed to reacting to the world around them”!
Kind of humbling, heh?

Alex shouted, ‘Am I to be a clockwork orange? All mechanisms without a soul? Of what use is that?’
‘Oh shut up you worthless sod’, yelled the commissioner.
Then the chaplin stood up and said, ‘What about Choice? Does not this boy have the freedom to chose what he does or does not do? How could this work benefit society without taking away their freedom to chose?’
‘We are not concerned with the freedoms. We just want results. He’ll be the perfect Christian in every way’, replied the commissioner. "
From A Clockwork Orange
I love this passage. It means a great deal to me to be able to see that the concept of trying to correct a social wrong is most often wrong in its own concept.