What we all need

One day I felt so anxious that I didn’t know what to do. I wanted put it out of me, but in same time I didn’t want to discomfort people with my anxiousness, to repel them off, because I had a bad day. I was walking around my room and I jelled to put it out of me. I was walking around the room for half an hour talking to myself.
After half an hour I stopped such pointless agony, I called a friend and I told him everything I had on my mind. I was talking for fifteen minutes. And when I finished the conversation, it all come to an end. My friend have been listening me for fifteen minutes and he supported me for everything I said.
Those days I had enormous pressure from people around me and I didn’t know how to deal with that pressure, but after I had talked with someone about it, all that agony disappeared and not only it has disappeared, but I felt free, like I could fly. To the sky and back. I was happy again, full of energy, opened to see other people, I relived my baggage and I regain energy to continue to move on.
Sometimes I didn’t have a friend to call, in reference to I didn’t want to disturb them with my problems, so I wrote my thoughts on a paper. Later, the paper, I would throw away, or sometimes, I saved it. After the writing I felt a little better, but assuredly it is nothing like if someone had seen that paper, and said to me – it is OK – you are right, it is not such a big deal, you will deal with it, I will be there for you. I had a luck - someone was there for me.

This is my story.